Axial Skeleton Start
Axial Skeleton Photographs Axial Skeleton Illustrations TABLE OF CONTENTS Axial Skeleton Photographs Axial Skeleton Illustrations Axial Skeleton
PHOTOGRAPHS Axial Skeleton Sphenoid (Superior) Mandible (Anterior) Sphenoid (Anterior) Ear Ossicles Ethmoid (Superior) Hyoid Ethmoid (Anterior) Sternum Ethmoid (Lateral) Vertebral Column Vomer Sacrum (Posterior) Skull (Anterior) Sacrum (Anterior) Skull (Posterior) Vertebrae Skull (External Superior) Vertebra (Lateral) Skull (Internal Superior) Vertebra (Superior) Skull (Inferior) Atlas and Axis (Disarticulated) Skull (Lateral) Atlas and Axis (Articulated) Skull (Anterolateral) Rib Cage (Posterior) Mandible (Lateral) Rib Axial Skeleton
Sphenoid (Superior) posterior sella turcica anterior Axial Skeleton
Sphenoid (Anterior) pterygoid processes Axial Skeleton
Ethmoid (Superior) cribriform plate crista galli Axial Skeleton
Ethmoid (Anterior) Axial Skeleton crista galli perpendicular plate middle concha Axial Skeleton
Ethmoid (Lateral) Axial Skeleton crista galli perpendicular plate middle concha Axial Skeleton
Vomer Axial Skeleton
Skull (Anterior) Axial Skeleton frontal glabella supraorbital foramen nasals perpendicular plate middle concha inferior concha infraorbital foramen maxilla vomer mandible Axial Skeleton
Skull (Posterior) Axial Skeleton sagittal suture parietal lambdoidal occipital Axial Skeleton
Skull (External Superior) parietal coronal suture sagittal suture frontal parietal Axial Skeleton
Skull (Internal Superior) sella turcica crista galli foramen magnum cribriform plate Axial Skeleton
Skull (Inferior) Axial Skeleton foramen magnum occipital mandible condyle Axial Skeleton
Skull (Lateral) Axial Skeleton squamous suture frontal sphenoid temporal lacrimal malar (zygomatic) external auditory meatus mastoid process styloid process mandible zygomatic arch Axial Skeleton
Skull (Anterolateral) optic foramen superior orbital fissure orbit inferior orbital fissure Axial Skeleton
Mandible (Lateral) Axial Skeleton coronoid process condylar process ramus mental foramen body Axial Skeleton
Mandible (Anterior) Axial Skeleton condylar process coronoid process mental foramen Axial Skeleton
Ear Ossicles incus malleus stapes Axial Skeleton
Hyoid Axial Skeleton
Sternum manubrium body xiphoid process Axial Skeleton
Vertebral Column cervical thoracic lumbar sacrum coccyx Axial Skeleton
Sacrum (Posterior) coccyx Axial Skeleton
Sacrum (Anterior) coccyx Axial Skeleton
Vertebrae cervical thoracic lumbar Axial Skeleton
Vertebra (Lateral) Axial Skeleton superior notch body spinous process inferior notch Axial Skeleton
Vertebra (Superior) Axial Skeleton spinous process vertebral foramen transverse process body Axial Skeleton
Atlas and Axis (Disarticulated) Axial Skeleton
Atlas and Axis (Articulated) Axial Skeleton
Rib Cage (Posterior) true ribs false ribs floating ribs Axial Skeleton
Rib tubercle neck head Axial Skeleton
ILLUSTRATIONS Axial Skeleton Skull (Anterior Aspect) Skull (Lateral External Aspect) Skull (Posterior External Aspect) Skull (Inferior External Aspect) Skull (Superior Internal Aspect) Ear Ossicles Vertebra (Superior Aspect) Vertebra (Lateral Aspect) Vertebral Column (Anterior Aspect) Axial Skeleton
SKULL anterior aspect Axial Skeleton frontal bone glabella parietal bone supraorbital foramen nasal bone lacrimal bone orbit optic foramen superior orbital fissure sphenoid bone ethmoid bone perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone inferior orbital fissure middle concha inferior concha malar bone infraorbital foramen maxilla bone vomer mastoid process of temporal bone mandible bone body of mandible mental foramen Axial Skeleton
SKULL lateral external aspect parietal bone squamous suture frontal bone coronal suture lambdoidal suture supraorbital foramen lacrimal bone nasal bone occipital bone sphenoid bone condylar process of mandible infraorbital foramen malar bone external auditory meatus zygomatic arch mastoid process maxilla bone styloid process of temporal bone ramus of mandible mandible coronoid process of mandible mental foramen body of mandible Axial Skeleton
SKULL posterior external aspect sagittal suture parietal bone parietal bone lambdoidal suture occipital bone temporal bone pterygoid process sphenoid bone mandible bone Axial Skeleton
SKULL inferior external aspect occipital bone foramen magnum mastoid process occipital condyle styloid process of temporal bone temporal bone sphenoid bone vomer pterygoid process zygomatic arch malar maxilla Axial Skeleton
SKULL superior internal aspect ethmoid bone crista galli cribriform plate frontal bone sphenoid bone sella turcica temporal bone temporal bone foramen magnum occipital bone Axial Skeleton
EAR OSSICLES malleus incus stapes Axial Skeleton
VERTEBRA superior aspect spinous process transverse process transverse process vertebral (spinal) foramen superior notch body Axial Skeleton
VERTEBRA lateral aspect superior notch spinous process body inferior notch Axial Skeleton
VERTEBRAL COLUMN anterior aspect sacrum coccyx Axial Skeleton