Iraq and Persia فتوح العراق و فارس
Abu Bakr started the advance against Persia and its allies First Commander was Al-Muthana bin Haritha Al-Shaybani المثنى بن حارثة الشيباني Then Khalid bin Al-Walid until sent by Abu Bakr to Ash-Shaam
Abu Bakr dies 13 th Hijra Omar calls upon Muslims to continue in Iraq. Weak response. Abou-Ubayd bin Masoud Al-Thaqafi أبو عبيد بن مسعود الثقفي
Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Abou-Ubayd Jaban An-Namariq 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Abou-Ubayd Narsi Jalinos
Abou-Ubayd Narsi 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE Barosma Jalinos
Abou-Ubayd Jalinos 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE Al-Muthana
Abou-Ubayd Jalinos 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE Al-Muthana
Abou-Ubayd Jalinos 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE Al-Muthana
Abou-Ubayd Jalinos 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE Al-Muthana
Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Abou-Ubayd Jazaweh 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Abou-Ubayd Jazaweh 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abou-Ubayd is killed by The White Elephant 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh All leaders appointed by Abou Ubayd are killed 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Al-Muthana takes over leadership 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Some Muslims withdraw 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Abdu-Allah bin Mirthad cuts the bridge to stop Muslims from escaping 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Some Muslims fall and drown in the river 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Al-Muthana reconnects the river 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Al-Muthana organizes withdrwal 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Heroic fighting at the Bridge 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Al-Muthana the last to cross 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh Al-Muthana regroups the army 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
Jazaweh 4000 Muslims martyred 6000 Persian killed 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of The Bridge Al-Jisr
The Battle of the Bridge almost got Muslims out of Iraq completely. Allah SWT ordains that political unreat starts in Persia, devides the army between Rustom and Fairuzan Jazaweh goes back to Al-Mada’in (Ctesiphone) Omar supplies the Muslim army
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Persians cross the river challenging the Muslims
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Persians are filled with confidence
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Persians rush to start the battle
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Muslims fight fiercely
Mahran Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Al-Muthana engages the center of the Persian army and Mahran is killed
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Al-Muthana rushes to the bridge
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Al-Muthana rushes to the bridge
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Al-Muthana cuts the bridge
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Persians are trapped
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Persians are trapped
Al-Muthana 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE The Battle of Al-Buwayb البويب Victory to Muslims 100,000 Persians reported killed
Al-Muthana After Al-Buwayb Muslimscontrol most of Mesopotamia 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Al-Muthana After Al-Buwayb many raids under leadership of Al-Muthana to establish Muslims control of Mesopotamia 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Al-Muthana Persians regroup under Yazdajred 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Al-Muthana Persians move into Mesopotamia. 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Al-Muthana Omar asks Al-Muthana to withdraw and protect the army by the Euphrates 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE
Al-Muthana Omar recruits the biggest army possible for Muslims, uses the “draft” for the first time in Islamic history 13 th Hijra 635 AD CE