Back to School Night September 13, 2012
K Curriculum Overview
1 st Grade Curriculum Overview
2 nd Grade Curriculum Overview
3 rd Grade Curriculum Overview
4 th Grade Curriculum Overview
5 th Grade Curriculum Overview
6 th Grade Curriculum Overview
K Quarterly Curriculum Overview
1 st Quarterly Curriculum Overview
2 nd Quarterly Curriculum Overview
3 rd Quarterly Curriculum Overview
4 th Quarterly Curriculum Overview
5 th Quarterly Curriculum Overview
6 th Quarterly Curriculum Overview
Reading Framework The Daily 5 Read to self Read to someone Listen to someone read Work on writing Work on word work
What sets The Daily Five Apart? For Teachers…. – Deliver _ – _ whole group lessons each day – Teach _ – _small groups of children each day – Confer with _ – _ individual students each day – Hold all students accountable for use of time spent directly on reading or writing For Students… – Engaged in the act of reading and writing for extended amounts of time – Receive focused instruction on building and maintaining independence – Receive tailored instruction through whole group, small group, and/or individual conferring, by their skilled classroom teacher, each day
Since 1946, research shows that kids need to…. * read to be better readers * write to be better writers Regie Routman and Richard Allington found that traditionally the use of time in schools looked something like this: Teacher-led time: 80% Student-practice time: 20% We now know that the most effective learning takes place when the balance looks more like this: Teacher-led time: 20% Student practice time: 80% It turns out that just like athletes, the more you practice, the better you get!
Learning Mathematics Content through the Process Goals Process Goals –Problem Solving –Communication –Reasoning –Representation –Connections
Mathematics Online Textbook & Digital Resources Information How to Access the Online Textbook Through student's FCPS 24-7 Learning account Reference FCPS website for online textbooks. Go to then navigate to Parents -> Help with Homework -> Online Textbooks -> Mathematics -> Support Contacts Advantages Interactive Provides resources to enrich student learning Allows for student personalized learning Many built in features including videos, interactive glossaries, and student self- checks Parent Resources Scavenger hunts to tour the online books (provided by schools) Review games & materials to help parents help their students Opportunities to see demonstrations of what your student is learning Access to virtual manipulatives Support Teacher FCPS online textbook link (continually updated) Publisher contacts
Advanced Mathematics Grades 3-6
Overview of Advanced Math Program The Advanced Math Curriculum encompasses multiple grade mathematics Virginia Standards of Learning objectives Advanced Math a rigorous, condensed, and accelerated program that is designed to meet the needs of students who have demonstrated exceptional math skills and conceptual understanding These students must also demonstrate perseverance, initiative, independence, and outstanding work/study habits
Progression of Advanced Math 3 rd -4 th Grade 3 rd Grade Advanced Math Students receive 3 rd grade and most of 4 th grade math content during instruction. 3rd Grade Advanced Math Students take the 3 rd grade SOL test 4 th Grade Advanced Math Students receive the end of 4 th grade and all of 5 th grade math content during instruction. 4 th Grade Advanced Math Students take the 4 th grade SOL test
Progression of Compacted Math Grades 5 th -6 th 5 th Grade Advanced Math Students receive 6 th grade math content during math instruction. 5 th Grade Advanced Math Students take the 6 th grade SOL test in the spring 6 th Grade Advanced Math Students receive 7 th grade math content during math instruction. 6 th Grade Advanced Math Students take the 7 th grade SOL test in the spring
Criteria for Identifying Students for the Advanced Math Program Students must meet the following school-based criteria O’s and G’s in math for previous year Teacher recommendation Pass Advanced on FCPS Beginning of Year 4 th grade test For 3 rd graders - Making benchmark on 2 nd grade MRA For grades 4-6 – passing score on SOL test
Movement Into and Out of Advanced Math Students are evaluated each year to make sure that they are placed in the math class that is meeting their learning needs. A student may be removed from Advanced Math if they aren’t meeting the Advanced Math Grade Level Expectations. Counseling out of Advanced Math is a process that the classroom teacher, Math Resource Teacher, parents and an administrator will have an opportunity to participate in. Students who enroll at HES later in the year have the opportunity to be identified for advanced math based on the previous criteria
New Report Card
Parent Information: Standards Based Report Card eport/index.shtml eport/index.shtml
PBIS at Herndon Elementary Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Individual Buzz Buck
Class Buzz Buck
Daily Behavior Calendar 4
Conferences on November 5 th and 6 th Parent Contact List New to HES this year- The STEM lab in Room 100 General Info
Questions??? Please write questions I did not answer on an index card. I’ll be glad to get back to you soon with the answer!!!