Innovation of Learning systems: which implementation strategies between high speed thought and low- speed institutions? Naples, EDEN Annual Conference 15 of June 2007 Claudio Dondi SCIENTER - EFQUEL
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Is eLearning in crisis? eLearning in policy discourse eLearning in practice
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The concept of eLearning Too general Not an aim in itself
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Differentiation Objective differentiation the eLearning territories: Aims, Contexts, Learning patrimonies Subjective differentiation Roles, values, visions of the world
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 eLearning Territories Evolved distance education FORMAL LEARNING INFORMAL LEARNING INTRA- MUROS EXTENDED LEARNING CONTEXT Non professional learning communities e-Learning as a side effect in communities Virtual Professional networks Individual development throught e-learning TTT via e-L Inter-organisational development through e- Learning e-L workplace e-L in tertiary education e-learning in VET e-L in schools ICT for virtual mobility
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 i From eLearning 2000 to i eLearning 2010 i as innovative i as intelligent i as integrated i as inter-personal i as imaginative i as inclusive i as international i as I – that is ownership of learning
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Which eLearning for the future? - 1/2 e-L 2000…i-eL 2010… distributes consolidated knowledge is still e-Teaching may isolate the learner is delivered by a single provider/institution ignores the learner’s context and previous achievements generates new knowledge is owned by the learner creates learning communities is the result of and a tool to support partnership builds on the learner’s contexts and previous achievements
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Which eLearning for the future? - 2/2 e-L 2000…i-eL 2010… depresses the learner’s creativity by transmissive logics squeezes the role of teachers and learning facilitators focuses on technology and contents substitutes classroom sessions privileges those who already learn stimulates the learner’s creativity by enhancing the ludic dimension of learning enriches the role of teachers and learning facilitators focuses on quality, processes and learning context is embedded in organisational and social processes of transformation reaches and motivates those who were not learning
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 High speed / Low speed Speed of thought Speed of trends Speed of institutional change
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 eLearning territories as meta-contexts for innovation development
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The place for eLearning E-learning ICT Lifelong learning Innovation processes
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The place for eLearning The ideal place for new eLearning is not where consolidated knowledge has to be spread but where new knowledge is developed, where innovation objectives are to be shared and achieved in a participative way
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 ODL and new eLearning ODL can offer much to new eLearning But some eLearning territories are really different
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The human touch Quality of interaction Recognition and motivation Services, processes, learning context
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The human touch “ Much of learning quality depends on the relevance of embedded teaching” Nicholas Balacheff
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 The human touch “ The chance of joy through emancipation and control of the learning process has to be shared with others” Walter Kugemann
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Which policies are relevant? Education and Training, Lifelong Learning Information society, regional development, employment, eInclusion, eGovernment, eHealth…
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 eLearning 2.0? “Huge potential of ICT to unbound and multiply the opportunities of learning informally” “Research and policy have concentrated on reproducing formal teaching processes in a technology-supported way” From HELIOS:
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 eLearning 2.0 Some concerns: Not all learners are digital natives Not all digital natives are good learners New manipulation opportunities
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Is Future Nogotiable? 1. Understanding Change 2. Adapting to Change 3. Shaping the future 0. ….?
EDEN Annual ConferenceNaples, 13 of June 2007 Thank you for your attention…