Meagan Fulkerson North Ridge Middle
Microsoft Teacher Resources Accessibility Curriculum Resources for SPED Microsoft Live Lessons Demo (Example Skype) Microsoft Educator Network 1000’s of teacher made lessons and ideas Plus discussion boards and other resources
Microsoft Word Helps students who struggle with hand writing Allows us LDs/OHIs to write as we think and then make the corrections to conform requirements For a few it can help in the administration of the STAAR test, for many it will help lead the way to better written expression on paper
Disable Spell Check and Thesaurus You can disable these features in Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Visio, InfoPath, OneNote, SharePoint Designer, FrontPage and a few more…
Other Notables Free NearPod Control your classroom I pads to give presentations or do a group interactive Scribe/ _ html Free Express Scribe You will need the professional version for playing proprietary formats including DSS, DS2, MVF and video file transcription.
Audacity audio recorder already installed on all computers in the district Fluency You can do some of your fluency tests all at once and have an audio record that is great for keeping record of progress! Alternative Testing Have students give verbal responses or readings instead of pen and paper test. Audio Info In my room some kids have oral reading for passages and some do not in some cases. In order to administer to both groups simultaneously the students receiving oral administration prerecorded version I recorded. Record Stories with directions to worksheets included! It doesn’t have to be you or your aide it can be drama, volunteers, older students… I once had kids record their own stories and then make worksheets. Then we exchanged. RAPS and memory games using the students voices! Student Mixes are fun too!
Alamo Project Combines TEKS media and web concepts with history TEKS Students answer a packet with question and follow it with a scavenger hunt 13 Days of Glory 1.)When did Santa Anna and his troops arrive? 2.)What happened on the 13 th day Women and Children Who was Susanna Wilkerson Dickinson?
NOW 1.)go to the home page 2.)click on virtual tour on the right hand side 3.)Find the following places
I am where the men slept
Relaxing by the water…. (Not a lake or Ocean!
PBS Bite Size
Other GREAT Websites arts/ solar-system.html
Survey Link