S o f t w a r e D e f i n e d R a d i o SDR-14 & SpectraVue S o f t w a r e D e f i n e d R a d i o By: Moe Wheatley, AE4JY and Pieter Ibelings, N4IP
FTDI FT245 USB Interface Block Diagram
SpectraVue Block Diagram
SpectraVue Capabilities FFT analysis using 2048 to 262144 point FFT's (real or complex). FFT amplitude resolutions from 10dB to .2dB per division. FFT amplitude power is in dB referenced to full scale (a single sine wave with amplitude of +/-32767 or 16 bits). Various FFT data view modes including waterfalls and 2D and 3D plots. Display markers for accurate amplitude/frequency measurement. A continuum display for measuring spectral power over the entire span and/or the peak power within the span. Frequency Spans from 5KHz to 30MHz in various step sizes.(using SDR-14 unit) Signal demodulation of AM, NBFM, USB, LSB, narrow CW modes when using the 100 KHz Frequency Span and SDR-14 unit. Saving and playback of captured spectrum using RIFF .wav files.
The AD6620 Setup Menu
The Wave File Input Menu
The Data Output Menu
The Data Output Menu
RAW DISPLAY Shows in-phase and quadrature waveforms over time.
2D FFT DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency.
3D FFT DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time.
V WATERFALL DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time
H WATERFALL DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time
CONTINUUM DISPLAY Shows channel power vs. time.
Military Satellite Transponder
Decoding AO-40 using AO40RCV and SpectraVue
The whole 20 meter band in one snapshot.
Additional Info. Visit http://www.rfspace.com for more information regarding the SDR-14. Additional information on SpectraVue can be found at http://www.moetronix.com