The National Reform Programme
The national context DCSF reform programme Raising the Participation Age 21 st Century Schools Funding Transfer
14-19 Reform Programme Goals To ensure that all young people participate until at least their 18th birthday – in education and training that stretches and challenges them to achieve their potential and go on to further or higher education or skilled employment To give young people the knowledge and skills that employers and the economy need to prosper in the 21st century To close the achievement gap so that all have an equal opportunity to succeed, irrespective of gender, race, disability or background
Raising the participation age This could be in: Full-time education An Apprenticeship Part-time education, training, employment or volunteering *Until 17 from 2013 and until 18 from 2015 From 2013 all young people will continue in education or training post 16*
Information, advice and guidance A September Guarantee at 16 & 17 A personal tutor for all An online Area Prospectus linked to a Common Application Process To ensure all young people receive impartial guidance and support, we will provide:
Collaborative working Schools and colleges work together to offer a broad personalised curriculum from age 14 Local employers and universities play a vital role
The challenge To provide the opportunity for all young people to succeed: by creating clear learning routes providing skills and knowledge relevant to the workplace by enabling young people to learn in different ways by offering qualifications that are widely understood
21 st Century Schools An education that prepares every child for the challenges of the 21 st century. Every school working in partnerships: because no school can do it alone. Every school improving: strong accountability and rapid intervention when it is needed. A well-led and highly skilled workforce delivering excellent teaching and learning.
16-19 Funding Transfer In April 2010 Local Authorities will assume the responsibility for commissioning and funding provision for year olds. LAs responsible for the integrated delivery of all services 0-19 Key strategic player for 14-19, responsible for commissioning provision and support and delivering outcomes
Local policy context Children and Young People’s Plan Plan Raising Achievement Strategy Narrowing the Gap Strategy LAA NEET Action plan
Participation in learning IndicatorBaselineWhere we are now Target % 17 yr olds participating in education and training % July % % % 16 and 17 yr olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) % % % % 16 yr olds with appropriate September Guarantee % % % % 17 yr olds with appropriate September Guarantee n/a % %
Attainment IndicatorBaselineWhere we are now Target Achievement of Level 2 qualification by % % % Achievement of Level 3 qualification by % % (national target) 54% % 5 A*-C including English and maths % (provisional) 51% % % 5 A*-C including English & maths for those on free school meals % % %
14-19 in East Sussex We started working towards implementing the reforms in 2006 Our new plan is based on evaluation of our progress and is written in the context of: –The national economic downturn –New responsibilities for LA’s under transfer of funding
New pathways
Functional skills Functional skills will equip young people with essential skills for life and work They will be: part of all qualifications including the Diploma, Foundation Learning Tier and Apprenticeships embedded in GCSE English, Maths and ICT specifications
Personal, learning and thinking skills Embedded in the new secondary curriculum Cover six areas: Independent enquiry Creative thinking Reflective learning Team working Self management Effective participation
The Diploma Combines practical and theoretical learning Helps students develop relevant skills and knowledge and apply these to real work scenarios Provides access to university as well as to skilled employment Delivered in partnership between schools, colleges, employers and universities
The Diploma Phase 1 – 2008Phase Phase Phase Construction & the Built Environment Creative & Media Engineering IT Society, Health & Development Business, Administration & Finance Environmental & Land-based Studies Hair & Beauty Studies Hospitality Manufacturing & Product Design Public Services Retail Business Sport & Active Leisure Travel and Tourism Humanities & Social Sciences Languages & International Communication Science
The Diploma Available at 3 levels equivalent to GCSEs and A levels 3 components : Learning specific to the employment sector Functional skills; personal, learning and thinking skills; project; work experience A range of options to complement or extend the learning
Apprenticeships More Apprenticeships will be available in a greater variety of sectors 1 in 5 students to access an Apprenticeship place by 2020 Advanced Apprenticeships can lead to a degree
Work with accredited training Work without training will no longer be an option From 2013, 16 year olds in work will need to continue their education or training part-time They will be expected to do at least a day a week
GCSEs Updated and modernised More emphasis on Functional skills in English, maths and ICT Controlled assessment replacing coursework
A Levels Number of modules reduced in many subjects Stronger connections between topics More extended written work New A* grade to recognise the highest attainment
The Extended Project Students can pursue an area of special interest Worth half an A Level Develops independent study skills Good preparation for higher education and employment
Foundation Learning Tier Progression for learners working below GCSE level Small, manageable chunks of learning and recognition for achievements along the way Personalised programmes including personal and social development, functional and vocational skills
Information, advice and guidance A September Guarantee at 16 & 17 A personal tutor for all An online Area Prospectus linked to a Common Application Process To ensure all young people receive the right guidance and support, we will provide:
Collaborative working Schools and colleges work together to offer a broad personalised curriculum from age 14 Local employers and universities play a vital role
Further information