uktradeinfo Web Survey Results Published: April 2014
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 2 Summary The survey was open from 29 November 2013 to 17 January 2014 It aimed to obtain a better understanding of site user experience and opinion 91 site users responded: 39% said they used trade data products 27% said they used commodity code information and tools 22% said they used Intrastat guidance 20% said they used it for news updates 8% said they used Importers Details 8% said they used Exchange Rates 28% stated they used both uktradeinfo and GOV.UK for Intrastat guidance Detailed results appear in the following slides
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 3 How satisfied are you with your visits to uktradeinfo? 27% are very satisfied 52% are satisfied 15% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4% are dissatisfied 1% are very dissatisfied 1% don’t know
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 4 Tell us how you rate your usual visit experience 33% get everything they want 47% get most of what they want 19% get some of what they want 1% get none of what they want
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 5 How do you rate the site for ease of use? 21% very good 52% good 21% neither good nor bad 3% poor 3% very poor
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 6 How do you rate the site for design? 16% very good 53% good 28% neither good nor bad 2% poor 0% very poor
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 7 How do you rate the site for ease of finding information, products and services, including site search? 9% very good 53% good 26% neither good nor bad 9% poor 3% very poor
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 8 How do you rate the site for quality and accuracy of content (editorial quality)? 24% very good 56% good 19% neither good nor bad 1% poor 0% very poor
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 9 Are you satisfied with the following products / services? Respondents who stated they used the specific products/services answered: Alert Service: 96% satisfied, 4% dissatisfied Build Your Own Tables: 50% satisfied, 50% dissatisfied Customer Service Support: 90% satisfied, 10% dissatisfied Data Downloads: 81% satisfied, 19% dissatisfied Exchange Rates: 93% satisfied, 7% dissatisfied Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN): 93% satisfied, 7% dissatisfied Importers Details: 85% satisfied, 15% dissatisfied Site Search: 89% satisfied, 11% dissatisfied
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 10 If you could change or introduce one thing? 51% of survey respondents were either happy, or did not comment. Suggestions made can be summarised as: Speed up the interactive data tables Make bulk data extraction easier Combine EU and Non-EU data presentation in the interactive data tables Improve interactive functionality e.g. reversible field order, menus, year to date Publish more data Reduce the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature and don’t change codes Add Volumes 1 & 2 of the Tariff Publish and update more Public Notices including VAT
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 11 Next Steps Some respondents provided addresses and have been contacted to answer queries raised, or to explore their opinions and ideas more fully Further Information relating to queries raised can be read at: Some suggestions cannot be pursued as they are beyond the control of the uktradeinfo team (e.g. the ICN is determined by the EU Combined Nomenclature)Combined Nomenclature Improved ‘Help’ content is being prepared for publication shortly, including new YouTube tutorials for building interactive data tablesHelp User comments and suggestions are influencing site enhancements for (e.g. support for the IE6 browser is being withdrawn, to allow software upgrade which will improve interactive database functionality)support for the IE6 browser is being withdrawn
Protective marking – Official April 2014 | 12 Your Views Still Required! We will run another web survey toward the end of In the meantime, your views are always welcome and you can give us your feedback in a number of ways: uktradeinfo Customer Feedback Form us at: HMRC National Statistics ProducersHMRC National Statistics Producers Join the Business & Trade Statistics community at StatsUserNetStatsUserNet Or use the individual page feedback links at the bottom of all uktradeinfo pages. THANK YOU