SPIRIT WEEK Nov. 3 rd to 7th Monday 11/3 Crazy Hair Day Tuesday 11/4 PJ Day Wednesday 11/5 Monochromatic Day Thursday 11/6 Character Day Friday 11/7 Twin Day Show your Panther Pride!
STUDENT REMINDERS * Keep your body to yourself – public displays of affection are not appropriate here at school. * Only students that are having breakfast are allowed to go into the cafeteria in the morning. We are working on what to do on rainy mornings
What: GSA- Gay Straight Alliance/Social Justice Group When: Tuesday Oct. 28th (Nov 18,Dec. 2nd, 16th) Time: 12:12-12:45 7th/8th grade lunch Where: Mr. Olesak's room 141 (near the band room) Who: 6-8th grade students interested in a social justice group for Gay Straight Alliance Important:7/8th grade GSA students bring your lunch to the meeting. Hot lunch students will need to go to the front of the lunch line to be able to come to the meeting on time. 6th graders will need permission from their 4th period class to come. GSA CLUB
Who Can Participate? The SMS Student Council will consist of students in Grades 6-8. Members must complete an application. At least one student from each Block classroom will be chosen, based on the eligibility requirements. The executive committee is then selected from the classroom representatives. We are looking for some dynamic, enthusiastic, diverse, and committed Middle School students to join the Student Council for this year Student Council Application Timeline October 21 st – Students may begin picking up packets from the office. October 28 th at 3:45 pm – Deadline for submission of completed packet to the Office. NO packets will be accepted after the deadline. Students will be notified about their selection by Nov. 3 rd in 1 st period Completed packets due to the Office by 3:45 pm, Tuesday, October 28 th
BOOK FAIR! The book fair is on! Stop in an check out all the great books Monday, Tuesday and through conferences
FROM THE COUNSELOR 1. Tell your favorite staff member how much you appreciate them by nominating them for STAFF OF THE MONTH. You can find the nomination forms in the office. It is a good way to let staff members know how you feel. 2. Spirit Week is Nov. 3rd –7th, Peer helpers will be surveying your block classes for themes for each day. 3. The library will be open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays after the first bell at 9:05 rings for students to print homework
*The Fall Drama Play, Aladdin will be presented to students, Thursday, Nov. 6, at 3:00PM and at 7:00PM. * The first Red Cross Babysitting Class – Nov. 10 th * There will be a one day PEAK Holiday Cookie Cooking Class coming soon. * PEAK will add a few new classes for the Winter Session - 12/1/2014-2/17/2015 * PEAK Computer Class to be held on Wednesdays in the Mac Lab.Learn how to design games using JAVA Script, Css, Scratch and HTML. * Yoga-TBA-Learn relaxing skills to help you feel better. * Sewing Class with Ms.Bauer to learn embroidery skills and decorative needlework designs. * Spring Drama tryouts-2/19/2015. * Would you like to learn how to play the ukulele? A new class in the Spring PEAK Session might change your mind. The new Blue PEAK Winter Booklet to be out soon. Comments/Questions, see Ms.Price PEAK UPDATE
Panther Paw Winners Frances Scott JH Tahreq Underwood CONGRATULATIONS!
Cross Country Earned Second Place! Top 7 girls in city champ meet: second place Top 7 boys in city champ meet: second place 6 th grade girls: third place 7 th grade boys: second place
Winter Sports Start Soon! Forms are in the office See Ms. Russell for more information Check the website
PIL Girls Basketball Open Tryouts Sunday, November 2 nd Cleveland High School Steve Cooper to register for 6 th grade at 12:00 PM 7 th grade at 2:00 PM 8 th grade at 4:00 PM
City Championship Tournament Saturday, October 25 Grant High School Schedule on Ms. Russell’s door