Ch 9-14 Review Civil War
Wilson Creek—Victory by confederates in Missouri but forced to retreat due to lack of reinforcements Davis doesn’t trust to send them Pea Ridge- Union victory that scattered Confederates Many called to Mississippi region La Glorietta Pass – the Gettysburg of the west stopped Confederate movement in Colorado and saved the mines
Sand Creek- Indian Massacre by John Chivington and Colorado forces Seven Days Battle-Peninsular campaign- series of battles in which Lee was able to save Richmond from McClellan’s army Second Bull Run- Even more decisive than the first victory for the Confederates at Manassas Junction
Antietam Creek- Union victory, although narrow that allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation proclamation, single most costly day of battle Fredericksburg- worst defeat OF THE Union Army in the war Vicksburg- July 4th 1863 union captures the key to the Mississippi, turning point in the west and south that allows the Union to control the Mississippi River
William Quantrill- Led raids and attacks in Kansas on Union forces, Burned Lawrence Jeb Stuart- Led Confederate cavalry John Chivington- Colorado Union Military leader, victor at la Glorietta Pass
Clara Barton- Angel of the Battlefield- Formed Red Cross Henry Hunt- In charge of Union Artillery Edward Porter Alexander- Confederate Artillery commander
Stonewall Jackson- Confederate right hand man of Lee Killed at Chancellorsville Reconnaissance- exploration to attain military information Hardtack- Crackers or hard biscuits Breastworks-temporary defense barrier using any type of material
Bread Riots-due to high costs and lack of goods southern women rioted Shoddy- poorly made cloth made from glued together pieces not sewn Quartermaster- issues supplies, clothing, tents for army units-
Commissary- issues food to units Canister- most effective type of cannon shells Minie Ball- 58 caliber shell bullet that created havoc when it hit its target US Sanitary commission- medical corp of the US army Rump- temporary government
Jayhawkers- Northern abolitionists in the Kansas territory Bushwhackers- Pro-slavery sympathizers in the Kansas territory
Emancipation Proclamation- Issued by Lincoln after Antietam this document made the abolition of slavery a cause of the war and would help prevent aid from Britain and France to the confederacy
What was Lee’s strategy and purpose in fighting first at Antietam and later in Pennsylvania? He wanted to invade the North hopefully shocking them into some type of peace agreement
Why could both McClellan and Lee claim victory after the Seven Days Battle- McClellans army inflicted huge losses on the Confederates but Lee was able to protect Richmond
How did the victory at Vicksburg complete one phase of the Union Plan for victory? By defeating the Confederate army at Vicksburg the North had completed the phase of the plan to control the Mississippi River and divide the Confederacy, They could control shipping of necessary supplies on the river and end participation of the western states. Despite the war lasting 2 more years Vicksburg and Gettysburg would mean certain defeat for the Confederacy