The EU Eco-label Award Scheme and its implementation in Austria Dr. Regina Preslmair Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Taiex Bucharest, March 2008
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08Responsibilities DG Environment Ministry of Environment as competent body VKI ( Austrian Consumer Association) as administrative support organisation G&L as marketing experts
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Development of Eco-labels in Austria 1980`s: many private or regional (tourism) labels 1990 Austrian Eco-label for products 1992 European Eco-label for products 1996: Austrian Eco-label for tourism enterprises 2002 Austrian Eco-label for Schools 2003 EU Eco-label for tourism 2005 EU Eco-label for campsites 2008 Austrian Eco-label for travel packages
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Main aims in the tourism sector Ecological positioning of the tourism sector Reduction of negative environmental impact promotion of ecological procurement support of regional economy
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Development in Austria
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Harmonization with EU-Flower Intention of Austrian CB to harmonize is high „harmonize where possible and useful“ Austrian „Eco-label Advisory Board“ agreed to the suggestion of harmonization Target – both eco-labels with one audit Revision of Austrian Tourism Criteria 2004 harmonized
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Comparison EU flower- Austrian tourism Eco-label Accommodation Service private accommodation Alpine mountain huts Camp site service Campsites Restaurants (Catering establishments) Travel Packages
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Contact with Ministry or VKI Application documents and Eco-Check Meet open requirements of criteria Information and counselling by specially trained consultants Steps towards certification 1
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Steps towards certification 2 Verification by independent auditors Payment of application fee Contract and certification by Ministry of environment Official award ceremony Right to use the label for marketing
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Cost Structure Consulting costs (optional) Audit costs for verification Application and annual fee Subsidies are possible
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Financial Support and Subsidies specific Subsidies for Eco-label consulting services Increased subsidy rate for Eco-label Enterprises for special investments investments
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Examples for costs in Austria Type of enterprise Application fee Verification fee Annual licence fee Micro Enterprise (< 10 employees; <10 Mio.€ turnover) 75,- € ~1 day rate Appr. 600,€ min. 100,- € SME ( empl. <50 Mio.€ turnover) 225,- € ~1 day rate Appr. 600,€ min. 375,- € Normal Enterprises 300,- € ~1 day rate Appr. 600,€ min. 500,- €
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Annual fee Calculation: 0,15 % of turnover*/year (*= Price of accommodation x No. of stays minus 50%) Reductions: - 25 % for SME´s - 15 % for EMAS or ISO % for users of a national Eco-label (e.g. Austrian Eco- label) max. 50% reduction possible! Min. 100,- € each year
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Technical Support in Austria Electronic Application form and Software AWK-plus Tourism: Example for waste-concept „plus“ Environmental Data Controlling- Software: recording tool for costs and consumption „TourBench“ Online-Benchmarking Tool
Taiex Eco-Label Workshop Bucharest, March 08 Thank you for your attention !