1 Romans 14 The Scope of Fellowship
2 Understanding Romans 14 Must be true to the text & its contextMust be true to the text & its context Must be true to all the BibleMust be true to all the Bible Must not contradict truthMust not contradict truth Must not violate God’s characterMust not violate God’s character Must not promote fellowship with sin & errorMust not promote fellowship with sin & error
3 Romans 14:1-15:7: Outline Defining the Problem: Doubtful Disputations – 14:1-12Defining the Problem: Doubtful Disputations – 14:1-12 The Remedy that Makes for Peace - 14:13-23The Remedy that Makes for Peace - 14:13-23 An Appeal for Unity Rather than Disputes in Matters of Liberty – 15:1-7An Appeal for Unity Rather than Disputes in Matters of Liberty – 15:1-7
4 Romans 14:1-15:7 Text & Context Matters which are: Clean – 14:14Clean – 14:14 Good – 14:16Good – 14:16 Acceptable to God – 14:18Acceptable to God – 14:18 Pure – 14:20Pure – 14:20 No condemnation - 14:22No condemnation - 14:22
5 Romans 14:1-15:7 Text & Context Immediate Context 13:11-14 – No moral sins13:11-14 – No moral sins 16:17-19 – No doctrinal sins16:17-19 – No doctrinal sins
6 Romans 14:1-15:7 Text & Context Col. 3:5-11 (Put sin to death)Col. 3:5-11 (Put sin to death) Gal. 5:19-21 (Works of flesh)Gal. 5:19-21 (Works of flesh) Eph. 5:11-14 (Reprove sin)Eph. 5:11-14 (Reprove sin) 2 Cor. 6:14 (No unequal yoking)2 Cor. 6:14 (No unequal yoking) 2 Jno (No fellowship w/ sin)2 Jno (No fellowship w/ sin) Distant Context
7 Romans 14: Matters Indifferent to God Herb eater “weak”, not sinfulHerb eater “weak”, not sinful Equally right to eat or abstainEqually right to eat or abstain Sinful to condemn meat eaterSinful to condemn meat eater Sinful to despise herb eaterSinful to despise herb eater
8 Romans 14: Matters Indifferent to God Eat or not eat “to the Lord”Eat or not eat “to the Lord” Eating meat “clean” & “good”Eating meat “clean” & “good” “All things are pure”“All things are pure” God made each “to stand”God made each “to stand” God “received” both partiesGod “received” both parties
9 Romans 14:1-15:7 Text & Context To have Romans 14 address issues which constitute sin violates the text and its context
10 “The teaching in Romans 14, then, speaks to the practical circumstance in which we find ourselves. Good men disagree. We don’t like it and our consciences are tested by our disagreements, but they remain a fact of life… “Does that mean, then, that we should wink at sin? No. It means that we acknowledge that we are not always certain about sin…” Christianity Magazine April 1989, page 6
11 “…Of course, in my own mind, when a brother violates scriptural teaching, he sins. If I say you are wrong, I say you sin (or you consent to it). There are no big and little sins, no relevant and irrelevant instructions…” Christianity Magazine April 1989, page 6
12 Jno. 17:17; 8:32; Eph. 5:17 Christianity Magazine April 1989, page 6 “All of God’s instruction are equally important (though, as we shall see in subsequent articles, all may not be equally clear) – whether dealing with the identity of the church, the Christian and war, the behavior of women in the assembly, or marriage and divorce….”
13 “…Disobedience is disobedience, and sin is sin. So, the statement that I make when I work together with a brother with whom I disagree is that, despite our disagreement, ‘to his own master he standeth or falleth’ (verse 4).” Christianity Magazine April, 1989, page 6 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
14 Romans 14:1 & 2 John 9-11 Christianity Magazine May, 1989, page 6 “It is obvious that Christians sometimes disagree about scriptural instruction, even in matters of considerable moral and doctrinal import. In spite of these disagreements, we work and worship together, leaving many matters of individual judgment in the hands of God. That behavior… is, I believe, the issue addressed in Romans 14 (see article number 3).”
15 Putting Sinful Doctrines & Practices into Romans 14 Violates context (no moral or doctrinal sins)Violates context (no moral or doctrinal sins) Puts God into fellowship with sin (14:3, 4, 6, 18, 22; 15:7)Puts God into fellowship with sin (14:3, 4, 6, 18, 22; 15:7) Brings sin into the church (14:17; 15:5)Brings sin into the church (14:17; 15:5) Provides basis for open-ended fellowship with sin (15:6-7)Provides basis for open-ended fellowship with sin (15:6-7)
16 The Problem Disputes over scruples of conscience causing division
17 Problem: Disputes Over Scruples Causing Division Strong (meat-eater) despising (looking down on) weak (herb- eater) – 14:3, 10Strong (meat-eater) despising (looking down on) weak (herb- eater) – 14:3, 10 Weak (herb-eater) judging (condemning) strong (meat- eater) – 14:3, 10Weak (herb-eater) judging (condemning) strong (meat- eater) – 14:3, 10
18 Problem: Disputes Over Scruples Causing Division Both, as they are, pleased God – 14:4, 6, 10-12Both, as they are, pleased God – 14:4, 6, Therefore, both are to receive the other – 14:1; 15:7Therefore, both are to receive the other – 14:1; 15:7
19 Defining Terms WEAK Eats herbs - 14:2Eats herbs - 14:2 Does not observe days - 4:5-6Does not observe days - 4:5-6 Do not judge the strong – 14:3Do not judge the strong – 14:3STRONG Eats meat - 14:2Eats meat - 14:2 Does observe days - 4:5-6Does observe days - 4:5-6 Do not despise the weak – 14:3Do not despise the weak – 14:3
20 Defining Terms WEAK Conscience – 14:2, 14, 23Conscience – 14:2, 14, 23 –Doubts, abstains 14:6, 14 Knowledge re. liberty, 4:14, 20Knowledge re. liberty, 4:14, 20 Good standing w/ God – 14:4, 6, 18Good standing w/ God – 14:4, 6, 18STRONG Conscience - 14:2 Conscience - 14:2 –No doubt & eats, 14:6 Knowledge re. liberty, 4:14,20,22 Knowledge re. liberty, 4:14,20,22 Good standing w/ God – 14:4, 6, 18, 22 Good standing w/ God – 14:4, 6, 18, 22
21 1 Corinthians 8 Strong: Knowledge idol is nothing, 8:4-6Strong: Knowledge idol is nothing, 8:4-6 Weak: Conscious of idol, eat, defiled, 8:7Weak: Conscious of idol, eat, defiled, 8:7 Liberty: Eat meat sacrificed, 8:8-9Liberty: Eat meat sacrificed, 8:8-9
22 1 Corinthians 8 Sin to use one’s liberty if it causes the weak to stumble (defile himself by violation of his conscience), 8:9-12Sin to use one’s liberty if it causes the weak to stumble (defile himself by violation of his conscience), 8:9-12 Forego liberty if by using it weak in conscience is emboldened to violate his conscience, 8:13Forego liberty if by using it weak in conscience is emboldened to violate his conscience, 8:13
23 Defining Terms “THE FAITH” (14:1, 5, 22-23) -Personal… Conscience, 14:2; 22Conscience, 14:2; 22 Faith (trust), 14: 5, 14, 22-23Faith (trust), 14: 5, 14, “THE FAITH” (Jude 3) -Delivered… Truth, Gal. 1:11- 12Truth, Gal. 1: Gospel, Gal. 1:23Gospel, Gal. 1:23
24 Personal Faith (Rom. 14) AllowedAllowedGod-Approved Liberties for Man Eat: Accepted Not Eat: Accepted Revealed Faith (Jude 3) Commanded Commanded Forbidden Forbidden Will of God Sin: Rejected Obey: Accepted
25 Doubtful Disputations (14:1) “Decisions of scruples” (ASV)“Decisions of scruples” (ASV) Disputes over doubtful things; dispute about opinions (decisions of doubts)Disputes over doubtful things; dispute about opinions (decisions of doubts) “The thinking of a man deliberating with himself” (Online Bible NT Lexicon)“The thinking of a man deliberating with himself” (Online Bible NT Lexicon) Arguments over doubtful thingsArguments over doubtful things
26 Offend, Cause to Stumble (14:13, 20-21) Influence the weak to violate his conscience, 14:13 (1 Cor. 8:9-12)Influence the weak to violate his conscience, 14:13 (1 Cor. 8:9-12) –Grief caused when conscience violated (14:14-15) –Destroys the weak when conscience violated (14:15, 20, 23)
27 Offend, Cause to Stumble (14:13, 20-21) Do not “please yourself” if it destroys your brother, 15:2 (1 Cor. 8:13)Do not “please yourself” if it destroys your brother, 15:2 (1 Cor. 8:13) NOT: Merely difference of opinion over some matter of judgmentNOT: Merely difference of opinion over some matter of judgment –“Your decision offends me!”
28 The Remedy Receive each other with different scruples of conscience
29 Remedy: Receive Each Other Stop contempt & condemnation because each are:Stop contempt & condemnation because each are: –14:3: Accepted by God –14:5: Fully persuaded in mind –14:7-9: Living unto the Lord
30 Remedy: Receive Each Other Stop contempt & condemnation because each are:Stop contempt & condemnation because each are: –14:10-11: Judged by the Lord –14:12: Accountable to God (not man) in such matters
31 Remedy: Receive Each Other Stop laying stumbling blocks because (14:13):Stop laying stumbling blocks because (14:13): –14:14-15: Scruples of conscience allow for differences –14:15: Christ died for the weak as well as the strong
32 Remedy: Receive Each Other Stop laying stumbling blocks because:Stop laying stumbling blocks because: –14:16: Are to do good toward each other –14:17: Nature of the kingdom
33 Remedy: Receive Each Other Stop laying stumbling blocks because:Stop laying stumbling blocks because: –14:18: Each serve Christ; are accepted by God; are approved before men –14:20: Value of each saint
34 An Appeal For unity in matters of personal conscience with its liberties
35 An Appeal: Be Like-minded (15:1-7) Follow example of Christ, 15:1-3Follow example of Christ, 15:1-3 –Unselfishness, love, sacrifice Patience and comfort of the Scriptures, 15:4-7Patience and comfort of the Scriptures, 15:4-7 This Glorifies God!
36 Application Romans 14 is much needed today, yet often misapplied
37 Applying Romans 14: Getting it Right Respect each conscienceRespect each conscience Distinguish between revealed faith of Christ & personal faith of man (Phil. 1:9-11; 2 Tim. 2:15)Distinguish between revealed faith of Christ & personal faith of man (Phil. 1:9-11; 2 Tim. 2:15)
38 Applying Romans 14: Getting it Right Cannot use Romans 14 to approve & have ongoing fellowship with doctrinal error or immoral conductCannot use Romans 14 to approve & have ongoing fellowship with doctrinal error or immoral conduct
39 Does Romans 14 Include Adulterous Remarriages? Is man who commits adultery “weak in faith” or sinful?Is man who commits adultery “weak in faith” or sinful? Is it equally right to commit or to not commit adultery?Is it equally right to commit or to not commit adultery? Is it sinful to condemn the man who commits adultery?Is it sinful to condemn the man who commits adultery?
40 Does Romans 14 Include Adulterous Remarriages? Can one commit adultery “to the Lord”?Can one commit adultery “to the Lord”? Is adultery “clean”?Is adultery “clean”? Is committing adultery “good”?Is committing adultery “good”? Is adultery “pure”?Is adultery “pure”?
41 Does Romans 14 Include Adulterous Remarriages? Does God “receive” the adulterer?Does God “receive” the adulterer? Does the adulterer “stand” or fall before God?Does the adulterer “stand” or fall before God? Can one commit adultery as long as he does not cause the “weak” to commit adultery?Can one commit adultery as long as he does not cause the “weak” to commit adultery?
42 ROMANS 14 Receive, v. 1Receive, v. 1 Differences may continue, v. 5Differences may continue, v. 5 Things allowed but not commanded, v. 2, 5, 14Things allowed but not commanded, v. 2, 5, 14 2 JOHN 9-11 Do not receive, v. 10 Do not receive, v. 10 Differences must stop, v. 9 Differences must stop, v. 9 Abide in these things, v. 9 Abide in these things, v. 9
43 Romans 14:1 – 15:7 Receive One Another Because Christ has received us!Because Christ has received us! Receive each other the same way!Receive each other the same way! Romans 14 does not allow unity in (moral and doctrinal) diversity (2 Jno. 9-11)Romans 14 does not allow unity in (moral and doctrinal) diversity (2 Jno. 9-11)