Using the London MLE, powered by Fronter, to assist in successful provision. Drew Tibble, LGfL Content Developer.
Delivery across different locations. Student tracking. Staff anxiety. Shortage of resources.
Host schemes of work and other materials on the MLE so that they can be accessed anywhere. School College Workplace Home
Use the tools available within the MLE to help with registration. Keep it simple. School College Workplace Home
Get help. Ask questions from the experts. Talk to fellow practitioners. Use the forums.
Collaborate and share with neighbouring boroughs. Centralise resources.
Training and Support. MLE Champions’ Days. Share with colleagues. Communications Tools. Well Structured Virtual Academy. Joined up thinking
News. Messages. Tool Packages. Room Membership. Enrolling New Users.
Layout. Room Access.
Staff Room Student Room Development Room
Links. Forum. Calendar. Resources. Schemes of Work. Meeting Documents. Diploma Specifications.
News. Links. Tests. Forum. Courses. Resources.
Forum. Collaboration. Familiarisation. Experimentation. Work in Progress.
Communicate. Collaborate. Keep it simple.