CSSI Satellite Orbital Conjunction Reports Assessing Threatening Encounters in Space (SOCRATES) Dr. T.S. Kelso and Dr. Sal Alfano Center for Space Standards and Innovation
Pg 2 of 14 CSSI Overview Introduction Background Methodology Demonstration Conclusions
Pg 3 of 14 CSSI Introduction Many operators are aware of the possibility of a collision between their satellite and another object Few are aware of the frequency of occurrences No central source of conjunction information Problem is further confounded by lack of –Timely, comprehensive orbital data (including covariance) –Standard software –Computationally efficient algorithms
Pg 4 of 14 CSSI Introduction Result –Hundreds of conjunctions within 1 km go unreported each week –Billions of dollars of space hardware—and their associated missions—are put at risk
Pg 5 of 14 CSSI Background Center for Space Standards & Innovation (CSSI) offers SOCRATES conjunction advisory service –Each day, CSSI runs all payloads (active and inactive) against all objects on orbit 2,686 payloads vs. 8,593 objects (as of 2005 Aug 17) Limited to public access TLEs (no active DOD satellites) –Full catalog would be 2,954 payloads vs. 9,379 objects Provides daily, searchable reports via CelesTrak –Reports and associated data used to produce them are freely available to the public
Pg 6 of 14 CSSI Methodology CSSI uses: –Standard data sources: NORAD two-line element sets –Standard orbital models: NORAD SGP4/SDP4 –COTS software: Satellite Tool Kit with STK/CAT (Conjunction Analysis Tools) CSSI produces daily STK/CAT runs reporting: –Minimum distance at time of closest approach (TCA) –Maximum probability of collision –Coming: First-order estimate of true probability of collision
Pg 7 of 14 CSSI Methodology Capability now exists to build full STK scenarios on the fly directly from SOCRATES reports –Provides quick, easy way to incorporate all aspects of a particular conjunction into a 3-D framework for additional analysis Allows user to easily incorporate higher quality data, if available Flows directly into other space operations analysis, such as maneuver planning
Pg 8 of 14 CSSI Demonstration Easy to find from CelesTrak home pageCelesTrak –Click on link for SOCRATES –Provides basic information along with: Top 10 Conjunctions by Maximum Probability Top 10 Conjunctions by Minimum Range Search Capability
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Pg 14 of 14 CSSI Conclusions SOCRATES provides regular reports of satellite conjunctions using: –Standard, timely data (TLEs) –Standard orbital models (SGP4) –Extensible COTS software (STK) Reports are freely available Provides full-catalog SSA Easy to use, computationally efficient Raises awareness about this important space control issue