FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Christine Hawkinson, Bureau Data Administrator 1
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Bureau Data Administrator Responsible for data management policy and guidance Data Management (Division of Resource Services) Operations Development of national data standards Development and implementation of national geospatial datasets Division of Information Resource Management -Operations Database (application) development Implementation of applications Geospatial Program Geospatial Infrastructure and Issues Data Stewards – national, state and local State and Field Offices Data Collection 2
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 3
Data Standard identify logical / business data requirements document what information is needed to meet those business requirements to provide for high-quality data. Defined before data is collected. Not specific to geospatial data Standardized Dataset A national schema with a shared set of attributes and domain values, capable of being seamlessly compiled to a National dataset. The implementation of a data standard also results in a standardized dataset. Database / Geodatabase A defined, automated, shared and centrally managed collection of data. A data base is a collection of interrelated data stored in a structured manner. 5
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 DAWG: Data Advisory Working Group 6
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Deliverables: Data Development Proposal (template) Development Schedule – through Defined Dataset Purpose: Defines initial scope Communicates intent of work Locate Subject Matter Experts for Development 7
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 8
Deliverables (templates): Data Standard Report Domain Document Quality Plan Metadata Description Implementation Guidelines (opt) Purpose: Describes business data, rules and domains for bureau Provides common schema Provides information on how quality will be assessed (insures will meet minimum quality requirements) 9
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Deliverables (templates): Standardized Dataset Report Domain Document Quality Plan and Checklist Metadata Description Purpose: Provides common schema and domain values for national compilation of diverse local datasets Provides plan for insuring quality and completeness of dataset 10
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Dataset Deliverables: Implementation Plan Quality Checklist Metadata Description (final) Data Certification National Certified Dataset Database Deliverables: Database design Data Management Plan (including quality) Data Migration Plan (optional) 11
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Deliverables: Updates to existing standard (optional) Updates to schema Retired standard 12
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 States provide state-level datasets Quality checked for minimum required criteria Quality reports Specific domains, attributes, topology Trusted Data Aggregation: States responsible for error correction Metadata reviewed for completeness Meets required minimum Replicated into national dataset No data updates at aggregated national level Timing of updates from states depends on data steward requirements Dataset is certified by data steward Can be published once certified (internal/external) 13
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Processes for aggregation vary Examples: Basic National datasets Administrative Boundaries Land Use Planning Areas Allotments and Pastures Summarized National datasets Land Health Reporting Visual Resource Inventory 14
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 Several redundant systems Crosses programs Same types of treatments/data which are completed for various reasons Looking at developing a treatment module that can be called by different systems Same data standard; same data elements Store once, use and update many times 15
FGDC presentation 1/14/2014 DAMA DMBOK,
FGDC presentation 1/14/