Dear Sir, We would like to draw your kind attention to our company Tau-chem, Ltd. that you may recall as your Slovak business partner operating in the custom synthesis and specialty chemical manufacturing. The company celebrates its 14th anniversary these year which is not only an occasion for overall evaluation of the results achieved in the previous years but also for outlining new plans and development of the company in future. The results that have been achieved since establishment of the company are that we think can be proud of. The indicators such as the database of more than compounds accomplished with the complete literature research, the product catalogue containing 400 compounds accomplished with the technology documentation prove the sound functionality and abilities of the company.. Within its existence the company acquired number of business partners as well as distinguished position on the market. Thinking of future, the 5 years strategy plan developed by the company owners and managers started to be pursued in 2003 and have not stopped in performing all its key ideas also this year. The strategy ideas formulate our efforts to provide continually increasing quality of services to our customers, improvement of the working environment, expansion of the reactor capacity, introduction of modern technologies including biotechnology. Another important goal is implementation of Environmental management system leading to ISO certification. I would like to underline that Slovakia were in May 2004 admitted to the EU presenting new opportunities for growth, investment and outsourcing. The EU15 has a relative abundance of capital and technology, while the new countries a relative abundance of skilled labor at low cost. The synergies between them are so obvious that further comment seem redundant. On the occasion of placing the new issue of Product list on the network and Edition 2008 of Tau-chem’s Catalogue I would like acknowledge for your enquiries, orders and at last but not at least your proper look toward Tau-Chem Ltd I believe that the former co-operation between your company and Tau-Chem Ltd take a continuation for the profit of both sites. The staff off Tau-chem’s, 3 PhD degree, 16 University degree, 4 High school degree, is ready to fulfill your order as well as the technological support are fully in disposition for manufacturing of molecules in accord with your exigency. I look forward to hearing from you. Vladimir Zvak, PhD, Director
Tau-Chem Ltd. company was established in 1994 by four University schoolfellows (1975) Dr. Marian Ježek Dipl. Ing. Juraj Ďuris Dr. Jan Hrabovsky Dr. Vladimir Žvak 1998 Dipl. Ing. Juraj Ďuris left company Dr. Marian Ježek † died in car accident
ISTROCHEM was established on the end of 19 th century by Alfred Nobel group. 23 rd October 1873, first written notice. Alfred Nobel: personally supervised the rise up 1892: first stage was completed 1995 Location of the premises in the area of Istrochem AG. The most important period of company were the years 70-thies, Chemical factories of Juraj Dimitrov employed about 8000 employees 80 th -stagnation, 90 th shut down, private company 648 employees, renter of his assets Decision for the region of Pressburg (Bratislava) was made on the basis of following aspects: A, Location in the middle of Austro-Hungarian monarchy B, railway junction for nine directions C, important crossroads D, fluvial port on the river Danube
Dynamit Nobel AG. Bratislava 1920
November 1995 start up manufacturing 3 employees, 1 laboratory Epoxides Furans and benzofurans Imidazoles Pyridines Thiophenes Other heterocycles Benzenes Various Chiral compounds Aromatics
EPOXIDES Batch size: up to 2500 liter of reactants Total: 18
FURANS, BENZOFURANS Mono 2-substituted reagents solvents temperature catalyze etc. Specific reaction conditions
FURANS, BENZOFURANS Mono 3-substituted Batch size:200l, 15 kg of final product
FURANS, BENZOFURANS 2,5-disubstituted Batch size: 20 l X=Cl, o,m,p- NO 2
FURANS, BENZOFURANS 2,3-disubstituted Batch size: liter Batch size:150 liter
FURANS, BENZOFURANS 2,4,5-trisubstituted Batch size: 40 liter Batch size: 150 liter Total: 56
IMIDAZOLES Batch size: 10 liter Total: 16
PYRIDINES Batch size: starter 20 liter, target molecule 100 g 2-,3-,4-Pyridylacetic acid Total: 19
THIOPHENES Batch size: starter 150 liters, target molecule kgs Total: 18
OTHER HETEROCYCLES Batch size: starter 25 liter, target molecule 1 kg 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine Total: 70
OTHER HETEROCYCLES Pyrimidines: 5-membered: Condensed:
BENZENES Batch size: 400 litre Mesitylenes and pentamethylbenzenes Batch size: 6 liter X=SH, OH, COOH Total: 93
VARIOUS Bestseller: 250kg per month Future bestseller : batch size 250 litre Total: 80
CHIRAL COMPOUNDS Beta-amino acids
CHIRAL COMPOUNDS EPOXIDES EPOXIDES: Sharpless protocol: HKR: Batch size: 50 litre Total: 41
EQUIPMENT Fully equipped laboratories for research, lab-scale, kilo-scale and pilot- plant production, contracted access to full production plant Reactors in glass (25 l l) Stills in glass100 l and 25 l Distillation vacuum unit 100 l Molecular Distillation Apparatus (20 Pa) 200 l stainless reactor 250, 500, 2000, 6000 l glass lined reactors 2 l Büchi high pressure reactorň 100 l Jahndorf high pressure reactor Rotatory evaporator Heidolph Laborota 20 Walk in fume hoods
EQUIPMENT QUALITY CONTROLE GC Varian 3350 GC Varian 3400 GCMS Varian Saturn 2100T HPLC Varian 9012/9065 HPLC Varian Titration unit Melting point unit
ORGANIZATION 20 employees, 15 university degree, 3 PhD Lab.1 Lab.2 Lab.3 Director Executive office Advisory council Production manager Marketing and sales director Quality control manager Trustee
DEVELOPMENT PLAN New administration, research, kilo-lab establishment (project)
DEVELOPMENT PLAN New administration, research, kilo-lab establishment (matter of fact)
DEVELOPMENT PLAN Start-up new administration, research and kilo-lab establishment Raise cascade reactor system2007 Increase a reactor volume capacity2007 Establish a biotechnological unit2009 Certification 2008 Fragrances and flavors production 2007
MISSION We would like to become a small-sized company dedicated to custom synthesis and contract manufacturing and to be known as: -Enterprise with highly skilled staff targeted and devoted to the company`s mission -Environmental friendly producer -Reliable partner
To place your order, enquire or to obtain product information, Please telephone or write to: TAU-CHEM LTD Nobelova 34 P.O. BOX Bratislava Slovak Republic Registered in Slovak Republic VAT reg. Number:SK Telephone: Fax: Product list is available on the Internet address: Principal contact: Mr. Martin Rybár Mr. Vladimír Žvak Marketing and sales director CEO