Follow the Leader Acts 1-21 (An Overview) Message 6 in our 14-part series on the Acts of the Apostles. Sunday, August 10, 2014 Speaker: Peter Benjamin
Acts 1:1-2a 1 In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up...
Acts 1:7-8 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Key Themes From Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit Our call to be witnesses A community of diversity Success (with suffering)
The Holy Spirit in Acts 1-21 Specifically referred to over 50 times A few of His activities that get the most attention in Acts: 1. Dwelling within believers 2. Directing believers and the church 3. Filling believers to empower bold proclamation of truth
The Holy Spirit Within Believers 2:17, 18, 38 - Peter’s message at Pentecost 5:32 – Peter’s response to the Sanhedrin 8:15, 17 – Philip brings the gospel to Samaria 9:17 – Saul’s conversion 10:44, 45, 47; 11:15, 16; 15:8 – Cornelius’ conversion 19:2, 6 – Ephesian disciples who followed John the Baptist receive the gospel
The Holy Spirit Directing Believers and the Church 8:29 – Leading Philip to the Ethiopian man 8:39 – Taking Philip away to Azotus 10:19, 20; 11:12 – Telling Peter to go with Cornelius’ servants 13:2, 4 – Telling the Antioch Elders to sent Paul and Barnabas 0ff to plant churches 15:28 – Setting out the requirements for gentile believers 16:6, 7 – Forbidding Paul from entering Asia and Bythinia
The Holy Spirit Directing Believers and the Church 19:21; 20:22, 23; 21:4, 11 – Directing Paul to go to Jerusalem 20:28 – Directing the choosing of Elders
Filling Believers to Empower Bold Proclamation of Truth 2:4 – Peter’s Preaching at Pentecost 4:8 – Peter speaking to the Rulers and Elders 4:31 – The believers’ faithful response to persecution 6:3, 5, 10, 55 – Stephen’s defense against false accusations, and his death 9:17-20 – Paul’s conversion 11:24-26 – Barnabas and his ministry in Antioch 13:9 – Paul confronting Elymas at Paphos (13:52) – The disciples in Antioch of Pisidia
Our Call To Be Witnesses 2:14 – Peter at Pentecost 3:12 – Peter’s message after healing the crippled man 4:8 – Peter’s defense to the Rulers and Elders 4:31 – Believers’ response to Peter and John’s arrest 7:2 – Stephen’s defense 8:4 – The scattered believers preach wherever they go 8:5 – Philip preaches in Samaria 8:35 – Philip explains the gospel to an Ethiopian man
Our Call To Be Witnesses 9:20 – Paul begins to preach in Damascus days after his conversion 9:28 – Paul preaches in Jerusalem 10:34 – Peter preaches to Cornelius and his household 11:19-20 – Scattered believers preach in many places – Paul preaches in Salamis, Paphos, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Troas, and other places
Community of Diversity 2:42 – The church made up of Hebraic and Hellenic Jews after Pentecost 4:32 – The church a community of rich and poor 6:1 – The church resolves ethnic tension between Hebraic and Hellenic believers 8:14 – Samaritans become believers 8:39- The gospel makes its way to Ethiopia 10:44 – The gentile Cornelius and his household believe 11:20 – The first church made up of Jews and gentiles planted in Antioch
Community of Diversity 11:29 – Grecian Jews and gentiles provide financial help for the church in Jerusalem – Paul plants churches made up of Jews and gentiles in Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Philippi, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, and others 15 – The Jerusalem church officially accepts gentile believers
Success (With Suffering) 2:41 – Response of the crowd at Pentecost 4:3,4 – Response of the crowd at the crippled man’s healing; Peter and John arrested 5:14 – More and more people believe 5:17 – The apostles arrested 5:40 – The apostles flogged 6:7 – Many more believe after the church settles tension between Hebraic and Hellenic believers 6:12; 7:58 – Stephen falsely accused and then killed
Success (With Suffering) 8:1 – The church scattered by Saul’s persecution 8:14 – The church is planted in Samaria 8:38 – An Ethiopian man believes 9:23 – Hebraic Jews conspire to murder Paul 9:29 – Hellenic Jews try to murder Paul 9:31 – Many believe in Jerusalem 9:42 – Many believe in Joppa 10:44 – Cornelius and his household believe 11:19, 20 – Scattered believers preach in many places and many believe
Success (With Suffering) 12:2 – James the brother of John is martyred by Herod 12:4 – Peter imprisoned by Herod – Many believers added and churches planted all over Greece, Macedonia, Asia 14:5 – A plot to stone Paul is foiled 14:19 – Paul is stoned and left for dead 16:22, 23 – Paul and Silas beaten and imprisoned 17:6 – Jason and other believers falsely accused 18:6, 12 – Paul opposed by abusive people and taken to court
Follow the Leader Luke 3:22; 4:1, 14 – Jesus lived and acted in the power of the Spirit He proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom He preached to Jews, Samaritans, and gentiles He gathered around him a diverse group of disciples: Rich and poor Men and women Educated and uneducated He suffered and He succeeded