1 learning outcomes & occupational standards related, identical, or different animals? “The shift towards learning outcomes” Thessaloniki 15/16 October 2007 Arjen Deij European Training Foundation
2 What are we talking about? Learning Outcomes Statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process But what are LOs in your national context?
3 OS are often written in terms of outcomes… which could describe What a person … is expected to do in employment is expected to learn to be effective in employment is expected to proof to ensure competence employment requirements learning requirements assessment requirements Отраслевые профессиональные стандарти Russia Beroepscompetentieprofielen The Netherlands Référentiels d’emploi France Ausbildungsberufsbild Germany National skills standards US National occupational standards UK Examples of Occupational Standards
4 Occupational Standards Finding OS are not only for learning OS have been at the basis of outcome based approach OS reflect language world of work, cover employment requirements, and sometimes learning requirements and or assessment requirements OS product of a demand-led approach OS can reflect tasks, activities, competences, that are job specific, job role specific, occupation specific, sector specific or training profile specific, Consequence OS need to be adapted for learning OS need to be developed with representatives from the WoW OS reflect different contexts and develop when contexts change
5 Learning Outcomes Finding LO can be derived from OS LO are meant for learning LO need to use a language bridging world of work and education, LO cover learning requirements, and often assessment requirements and/ or employment requirements Switch to LO approach is work in progress LO can be expressed in different terms (narrow or wide) Consequence Linking LO to OS ensures relevant LO for Labour Market But deriving LO from OS is often a translation or interpretation process Language of LO needs to be understandable and meaningful for all users Existing LOs are a product of an outcome based approach, but often still contain input elements and may therefore be difficult to compare LO are also defined by their context, including possible requirements for progression or mobility
6 examples of learning outcomes based on occupational standards
7 From OS to LO example QCF
Job Profiles Qualification Profiles CurriculaEducationStudents Qualification structure Educational structure VET-law Changing OS and LO in NL from a more task based to a more competence based approach WHAT TO LEARNHOW TO LEARN Jobs
9 Competencies & core tasks 'new format' Travel Salesman Core tasks to sell travels to do (financial) administration to stimulate client commitment Competencies caring and understanding cooperating and consulting relating and networking following instructions etc Competencies & core tasks 'classic format' Travel Salesman Core tasks to sell travels to do (financial) administration to stimulate client commitment Competencies to sell travels (vocational) to deal with transactions (vocational) to communicate (generic) to plan activities (generic) etc. Example from NL – source COLO
10 Competency: To sell travels Description: TS is able conduct a travel sales talk in order to reach a maximal commercial result and optimal client commitment. Process criteria: TS Focuses on client needs TS selects offers TS steers the sales talk TS realises cross and up selling TS takes commercial action (proposals) TS finales the sales talk etc. Results: a satisfied customer; a transaction Competency: Cooperating and consulting Output indicator Reports information to colleagues and superiors so that they are informed about relations Competency: Relating and Networking Output indicator approaches future clients pro-actively so that they are informed about travels or opportunities Example from NL – source COLO
11 Conclusions Learning outcomes are different things in different countries. The term LO is difficult to translate. Occupational standards are developed to meet the demands of employment Occupational standards are context dependent and not standardised across sectors & countries Occupational standards can be expressed in learning outcomes, but not necessarily If learning outcomes are based on occupational standards a direct link with employment is established It is important that OS and LO are understandable and meaningful to different users in line with their purposes