WHAT IS WORLD VISION’S 30 HOUR FAMINE? It’s a worldwide hunger awareness program to help feed the world’s poorest children. Our youth group goes without food for 30 hours to get a taste of true hunger. Through family, friends and group fundraisers we raise money to save kids’ lives. ($30 will feed and care for a child for an entire month!) The experience teaches us about Christ’s compassion, and about how we can help change the world.
IS WORLD HUNGER STILL A BIG ISSUE? Every day 29,000 children die from hunger and hunger-related diseases. As many as 1 in 5 children die before reaching their fifth birthday. One sixth of the world’s population does not have access to safe drinking water.
WHY DO THE FAMINE? We want to feel the power of Christ’s compassion. It brings our youth group closer together, and in a closer relationship with Christ. If we don’t step up, who will?
HOW THE 30 HOUR FAMINE MAKES A DIFFERENCE Just $1 can feed and care for a child for an entire day. The price of a family dinner we eat at a restaurant in the U.S. can provide food and care for several months. We’re offering children more than a chance to survive – we’re giving them hope for a better future.
HOW YOU CAN HELP Pray for our group members as we do the 30 Hour Famine. Sponsor a Famine participant (or two or three!) as they do the Famine. Support our group fundraisers. Volunteer to help at our Famine event.
BEYOND THE FAMINE You can have a deeper relationship with one child through World Vision’s child sponsorship program. Child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to change a child’s life while helping an entire community become self-sufficient. To sponsor a child, check with your church’s youth leader, visit our Famine Sunday table after the service,or call FAMINE ( ).