SMG10 report to SMG#30 Tdoc SMG P-99-741 Michael Walker Chairman ETSI SMG10
SMG10 meetings since SMG#29 SMG10 plenary #2/99, joint with 3GPP SA3, 3-5 August, Sophia Antipolis SMG10 ad hoc meeting - to prepare CRs for agreement by correspondence, 26 October, The Hague
Reports for approval Threat analysis on SS7 security, Tdoc SMG P-99-744
CRs for approval 02.09(and resulting CRs to 02.16, 03.03 and 11.10), Enhancement of IMEI security, Tdoc SMG P-99-742 03.20, Introduction of EDGE variant of A5, Tdoc SMG P-99-743 03.20, Clarification on triplet re-use conditions, Tdoc SMG P-99-743
Liaison statements to SMG LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on use of GEA2, Tdoc SMG P-99-745 LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on use of A5 algorithms for EDGE, Tdoc SMG P-99-556 LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on A5 algorithm - use of 64 bit Kc, Tdoc SMG P-99-555 LS to T1P1 (copy SMG) stating that SMG10 endorses stage 2 but that it has identified two risks, Tdoc SMG P-99-746
Special item for SMG#30 IMEI security CRs to enhance IMEI security, Tdoc SMG P-99-742 CR to 02.09 to add the line: “It shall not be possible to change the IMEI after the ME’s final production process. It shall resist tampering by any means (e.g. physical, electrical or software)” Corresponding CRs to 02.16, 03.03 and 11.10
Special item for SMG#30 SS7 security Messages can be read, altered, injected or deleted i Threats include denial of service, security triplet replay to compromise authentication and allow eavesdropping of user traffic Exacerbated by increasing number of connections (and potential to connect to/via Internet) Report contains list of threats related to “dangerous” messages Handover work to 3GPP SA3
WPA Security mechanisms 1 Chairman Henri Gilbert GPRS LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on use of GEA2 SMG10 recommend that GEA2 should be an option in terminal/network from R97 and should become mandatory (EDGE can be mandatory from the outset) SMG asked to consider appropriate timescales for making GEA2 mandatory Network should be able to select between GEA1 and GEA2 during migration but network should not be able to set no encryption If recommendations adopted then exact details need elaboration
WPA Security mechanisms 2 Use of full length Kc LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on use of 64 bit Kc SMG#27 wrote to manufacturers - only positive responses were received Manufacturers to ascertain that their equipment will work with a 64 bit Kc Cut off date May 2000
WPA Security mechanisms 3 EDGE LS to SMG (copy GSMA SG) on use of A5 algorithms for EDGE CR to 03.20 Annex C.1 on EDGE variant of A5 - for approval Algorithm should be run to provide 696 bits (instead of 228) No requirement for additional test data
WPB Security services 1 Chairman Simon Collins Clarification on triplet re-use conditions CR to 03.20 on security triplet re-use conditions CR agreed in SMG10 with comments from N2 (SMG3 WPC) Allows re-use when system failure in HLR, disallows re-use in the event that subscriber unknown or barred Changes from withdrawn CR at SMG#29 Removed requirement that re-use should not be performed in case of badly formatted requests Removed requirement that operator could specify how many times triplets could be re-used in VLR/SGSN CRs to R96 and R97 withdrawn because of retro-fit issues
WPB Security services 2 LCS LS to T1P1 (copy SMG) on LCS SMG10 endorse LCS stage 2 but have the following concerns Possibility exists to manipulate MS positioning estimate through Manipulation of differential GPS data (coming from another source than network) Software changes to the MS No changes suggested
WPB Security services 3 Follow-me LS was sent to SMG1 asking that the following is added to the specification A note to the effect that the service shall not be offered in standard GSM releases, and that in any case it must be enabled by the operator A statement that FIGS can be used where CAMEL is available Wording on password control should indicate that this is not a very secure solution
WPB Security services 4 SMS abuse SMG#29 asked SMG10 for a statement on the nature of SMS abuse Threats mass mailing - resulting in denial of service, commercial opportunism concern over liability for abusive content, damage to third party Counters control of direct and indirect access to manage SMS volumes and source
WPB Security services 5 MExE The MExE R99 has been handed over to 3GPP S3 SMG10 shall be informed about progress
WPD Lawful interception Chairman Bernie McKibben SMG10 WPD supporting 3GPP LI work
Future scope of SMG10 After transfer of 3G-related issues to 3GPP, the main areas where work is ongoing in SMG10 are: Security for location services, CTS changes Introduction of larger cipher key in GSM (if sufficient support from member companies is offered) Evaluation of features developed for 3G for applications in GSM Propose amalgamation with 3GPP SA3 - process to be discussed at next SMG 10 meeting
Future meetings 16-19 November - SMG 10 plenary, joint with 3GPP S3 (Security)