Field tests and easy functional trials Exercise Physiology
Field tests Disadvantages: Advantages - have been already discussed - practical, inexpensive, less-time consuming, easy to administer to large groups (school) Based on: - walking, running, cycling, swimming, bench stepping, knee-bending - measurement of time, distance and mainly HR
Heart rate - belongs to main cardiovascular fitness parameters HR max – generally decrease in trained or no change - exercise causes increase, after exercise - decrease - HR rest – measurement in the morning after waking up - before getting up HR rest × HR exercise × HR postex. HR rest – 70 beats/min (average) ↑ 90 beats/min (tachycardia) ↓ 60 beats/min (bradycardia)
Heart rate - Measurement - by tough of artery on wrist, neck, etc. (easy but inaccurate) - EKG very accurate but unpractical in sport - Monitor of heart rate – based on distance between R-R (chest belt – transmitter and watch - receiver )
Easy functional trails Monitoring of HR (rest, exercise, post-exercise) Problem: reliability (lots of different designs) There are many functional trails For example: a] Ruffier trial b] Step-test
Ruffier test 1] monitoring of resting HR – real HR rest !!! [HR1] 2] 30 knee-bends in 30 seconds 3] sitting down and immediate monitoring of HR [HR2] 4] monitoring of HR 1 minute after exercise [HR3] Fitness index = (HR1+HR2+HR3)
Ruffier test Evaluation Index of fitnessLevel of fitness < 0excellent 0.1 – 5good 5.1 – 10average 10.1 – 15under average > 15.1poor Test is not suitable for elderly and persons with illnesses of lower limbs and joints.
Step-test Based on decrease of pos-exercises HR Many of modification: Astrand-Ryhming step test protocol, Queen’s College step test protocol, Chester’s step test protocol We need: - bench (chair) - stop-watch - metronome (time keeper) - monitor of HR
Chester’s step-test protocol 1] bench: 50 cm ♂, 40 ♀, 30 children 2] duration: 5 minutes if possible 3] frequency: 30 steps/min 4] movement: exchange of legs on the top of bench 5] immediate sitting down after termination of exercise 6] monitoring HR in recovery: - 1 min (HR1), 2 min (HR2), 3 min (HR3) after exercise
Chester’s step-test protocol Fitness index = duration of exercise (s)*100 (HR1+HR2+HR3)*2 Evaluation Index of fitnessLevel of fitness < 90poor 90 – 110average > 110good
Field tests
Walking test Based on achievement (duration) and reaction of HR The task is: We need: - stop-watch - monitor of HR - flat and direct path To walk as fast as possible 2 km long way, but NO RUN! (It should takes 12 – 16 min)
Walking test Measurement: BMI (body mass index) = - duration in min (45 s = 0.75 min) - HR in finish (immediately) Calculation of: - age - BMI weight (kg) height 2 (m) normal = 20 – 25 (♀ 19 – 24) below weight = < 20 (♀ 19) above weight = 25 – 30 (♀ 24 – 29) obesity = > 30 (♀ 29)
male = 434-(duration-11.6)-(HR*0.56)-(BMI*2.6)+(age*0.2) Evaluation Index of fitnessLevel of fitness < 70poor under average 90 – 110average 111 – 130good > 131excellent Walking test (fitness index) female = 431-(duration-11.6)-(HR*0.56)-(BMI*2.6)+(age*0.2)
VO 2 max = (0.016*weight)-(0.39*age)+(6.32*G)-(3.26*duration)-(0,16*HR) Walking test Estimation of VO 2 max kgyears gender ♂ = 1 ♀ = 0 minutes The test is suitable for almost everyone, mainly for old persons. The test is not suitable for very well trained.
Shuttle ran test (Leger’s test) Purpose: To estimate the maximum aerobic power. The task is: We need: - recorder with tape with pacing sounds on it - stop-watch - clear area with two parallel lines (20 m spacing) On the signal from tape to move from behind of one line behind the second line and back as long as possible
Shuttle ran test (Leger’s test) Speed - start: 7.5 km/hour Increase of pace: 0.5 km/hour for one minute Termination: 1] feelings of inability to continue 2] inability to reach the line two times in sequence 20 m
Shuttle ran test (Leger’s test) Evaluation: pooraveragegoodage < 5:30> 7:3010 < 7:30> 9:0014 < 8:30> 10:3020 < 7:00> 8:0030 < 5:00> 7:3040 problem: sliding – shoe sole
Cooper test 12 minutes run test on 400-meter track The task is: To run as far as possible The test is based on positive correlation between the run distance and VO 2 max VO 2 max = * (km) – 11,29 Estimation of VO 2 max
Cooper test The test is suitable for healthy and better trained Highly dependent on motivation!!!