GETTING TO 30 Ohio’s One-Year Option Stakeholders Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

GETTING TO 30 Ohio’s One-Year Option Stakeholders Meeting

LEGISLATION 2 Not later than June 30, 2014, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents shall establish a One-Year Option credit articulation system in which graduates of Ohio Technical Centers who complete a 900-hour program of study and obtain an industry- recognized credential approved by the Chancellor shall receive 30 college technical credit hours toward a technical degree upon enrollment in an institution of higher education.

CHANCELLOR’S GOAL 3 Not later than June 30, 2014, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents shall establish a One-Year Option credit articulation system in which graduates of Ohio Technical Centers who complete a 900-hour program of study and obtain an industry- recognized credential approved by the Chancellor shall receive 30 college technical credit hours toward a technical degree upon enrollment in an institution of higher education.

STAKEHOLDER’S GOAL Propose the system mechanisms for the One-Year Option. –One-Year Option Models –Institutional Level Implementation 4

TODAY’S GOAL Develop and Agree on Model(s) that Award 30 College Credits from a 900+ Clock Hour Program with an Industry Recognized Credential 5

TIMELINE 6 Not later than June 30, 2014, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents shall establish a One-Year Option credit articulation system in which graduates of Ohio Technical Centers who complete a 900-hour program of study and obtain an industry- recognized credential approved by the Chancellor shall receive 30 college technical credit hours toward a technical degree upon enrollment in an institution of higher education.

STUDENTS 7 Not later than June 30, 2014, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents shall establish a One-Year Option credit articulation system in which graduates of Ohio Technical Centers who complete a 900-hour program of study and obtain an industry- recognized credential approved by the Chancellor shall receive 30 college technical credit hours toward a technical degree upon enrollment in an institution of higher education.

STUDENTS 1.Must Complete a 900 Hour Program of Study. 2.Then Obtain an Industry Recognized Credential. 3.They Shall Receive 30 College Technical Credit Hours Toward a Technical Degree. 4.Will Receive These 30 Credits Upon Enrollment into an Institution of Higher Learning. 8


FOCUS GROUP FEEDBACK OTCs expressed that the CT2 process is dysfunctional, and this legislation addresses an important problem that the CT2 process cannot. Colleges expressed that the CT2 process makes this legislation unnecessary, and circumvents the existing quality assurance process. OTCs believe this legislation will provide a pipeline of well qualified students to the Colleges. Colleges believe it will take students away from their programs hurting enrollment. Also, colleges will have to give up control of 50% of their curriculum. 10

FOCUS GROUP FEEDBACK OTCs acknowledge that their credentials are industry recognized, and consider their technical programs to be of high quality. Colleges remarked that OTC assessments do not speak to college readiness, and “industry recognized” does not amount to such a guarantee. OTCs don’t see HLC as a barrier, since they have approved many other pathways. They think colleges will stall legislation using HLC as a barrier. Colleges think HLC will not accredit them if they accept 50% of the credits toward a degree from the outside. 11



POINTS OF SHARED UNDERSTANDING This is a student-focused initiative. Each entity has a clear and mutual role in student success. The One Year Option intends to reward students for actual knowledge and skill obtained from quality programs. All USO institutions can and do provide quality programming. Where any institution may lack quality in programming or program delivery, the institution has or can obtain the capacity to make needed improvements. Community colleges, universities, and technical centers have unique and different strengths and challenges regarding the One Year Option. 14

POINTS OF SHARED UNDERSTANDING As a result of the One Year Option, changes will have to be made that are uncomfortable for institutions and challenging for hardworking staff members, yet beneficial to students who deserve a more coherent system. Structural incentives and barriers, including funding allocations, reporting, and competitive markets for programming, impact this initiative and will be acknowledged in the development of the One Year Option although the issues may not be solved in their entirety. 15


AGENDA First Half –Information Through Presentations Second Half –The Work 17