Professional Learning Communities & Data Driven Instruction Professional Learning Communities & Data Driven Instruction Presented by: La Grande School District La Grande, OR Presented by: La Grande School District La Grande, OR
Presented By Larry Glaze - Superintendent Mike Gregory - Principal Taunya Barnett - 3 rd Grade Teacher Tracy Davidson - Title I Teacher Tim Welch - District Technology Coordinator Larry Glaze - Superintendent Mike Gregory - Principal Taunya Barnett - 3 rd Grade Teacher Tracy Davidson - Title I Teacher Tim Welch - District Technology Coordinator
La Grande School District Mission Statement In the La Grande School District we believe every student can learn and deserves a safe, motivating, and challenging school environment. Therefore, it is the mission of the La Grande School District to provide a learning environment where educators work collaboratively to ensure that each student maximizes their learning. To accomplish this mission we will use best practices and data to ask and answer: 1. What do we want our students to learn? 2. How will we know what students have learned? 3. How do we respond when they don't learn? 4. How do we respond when they do learn?
Group Activity Discuss what school/district/state/federal initiatives you have experienced in the last five years? What are/were the outcomes?
Staff Development Title II-A funds support the PLC process Teachers/Paras
The School Calendar School Year
Administrative PLC Agenda LGSD Administrative Team Agenda
Learning by Doing by Robert and Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker and Thomas Many Building a Professional Learning Community at Work by Parry Graham & William M. Ferriter Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom by Robert Eaker & Janel Keating Fair Isn't Always Equal by Rick Wormeli Cultures Built to Last by Richard DuFour & Michael Fullan A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K Panye Board/Administrative Book Reads
District Organization
Board Visitation Schedule MonthSchoolBoard Visits SchoolSchool PLC Presents at Board Meeting October 2013WillowMon, Oct 7, 7:30 a.m.Wed, Oct 9, 7:00 p.m. November 2013CentralTues, Nov 18, 7:30 a.m.Wed, Nov 20, 7:00 p.m. January 2014GreenwoodMon, Jan 6, 7:30 a.m.Wed, Jan 8, 7:00 p.m. February 2014Island CityMon, Feb 10, 7:30 a.m.Wed, Feb 12, 7:00 p.m. April 2014LMSMon, Apr 7, 7:30 a.m.Wed, Apr 9, 7:00 p.m. May 2014LHSMon, May 12, 7:30 a.m.Wed, May 14, 7:00 p.m.
Promising Data
What is a PLC? Professional Learning Community “The very essence of a learning community is a focus on and a commitment to the learning of each student.” ~Learning By Doing DuFour, DuFour, Eaker & Many Professional Learning Community “The very essence of a learning community is a focus on and a commitment to the learning of each student.” ~Learning By Doing DuFour, DuFour, Eaker & Many
Foundations for High Performing PLC’s Top Down & Bottom Up District Training DuFour Conference Visits to schools that have full implementation Scheduling Work Sessions Inclusion Training Parent Communication
A Professional Learning Community is: Teachers working together for a common goal Shared responsibility for the total development of student success- “All our Kids” Data driven Commitment to the mission & goals of the school & district A culture shift
Non-Negotiables Be on Time - Monday 7:45am-8:45am Focus on Standards - Math Power Standards, CCSS Team-Created Norms & Accountability Protocols Team Facilitator Responsibilities Agenda at least 1 day before PLC meeting Assign roles for all team members Use team norms Post & turn in meeting minutes to building administrator by following day
“Without data you are just another person with an opinion.”
PLC Big Ideas Student Learning Comes First A Collaborative Culture is Essential What do PLC Teams Look Like? Assessing Results Using Data Accountability for EVERYONE
The Data Cycle
Schoolwide Title Role Goes beyond “Just Title”- integrated Small groups/interventions/”triple dip” Benchmark testing and keeper of screening data Support of CAFE/Daily 5 PBIS
Staffing Title/Building Paraprofessionals Guide students in small groups based on assessed need Reading & math - core and beyond Building Title Teacher/Reading Specialist
School Improvement Plan Title role in our school improvement plan Supported by Title funds Must be a living document “Keep’s us on track” - a guide
School Culture Increased collaboration- horizontal/vertical Monday morning assemblies PBIS emphasis Focus on data Paras feel more involved and valued Parent involvement
Core & Intervention Blocks PLC is the “Engine” that Drives EVERYTHING Serves ALL Students 45-60/ minutes of core & 30 minutes of intervention/extension math & reading Accountability for Staff & Students
School Wide Schedule * Weekly Time Built In * One Hour Per Week EVERY Monday Morning * Priority is Math & Reading * Core & Intervention Time * See Greenwood’s Block Schedule * “Triple Dip” * Math, Reading, Behavior
Question #1: What Do We Want Students to Learn? Question #1: What Do We Want Students to Learn? Common Core Standards Identified District Grade Level Teams Determine Power Standards & Pacing Standards Learning Targets Where are they going? How will they get there? “I Can...” statements
Question # 2 How Will We Know What Students Have Learned? Question # 2 How Will We Know What Students Have Learned? Data Driven Instruction Monitor Learning Using CFA’s (Common Formative Assessments) SMART Goal: 80/80 Analyze teacher strengths and weaknesses
Student Data Pre/Post Data Post Intervention/ Post “Triple Dip”
Common Formative Assessments CFA’s ARE Standards Based Thermometers Quick & Painless Defined by their use Given Frequently
What Do CFA’s Look Like? CFA’s are developed as a PLC based on target skills Quick checks Standards based - analyze by strand Common means common! Both tool and administration
Question #3: How Do We Respond When They Don’t Learn? Question #3: How Do We Respond When They Don’t Learn? Flexible groups based on specific needs for skill/concept Intervention? More practice? Extension/Enrichment? Highest need with highest qualified “The Triple Dip” Tier III Intervention: The “Triple Dip” Check out our POST INTERVENTION data!!
Question #4: How Do We Respond When They Do Learn? Question #4: How Do We Respond When They Do Learn? Standards Focused Go Deeper In Standard - Bloom’s Examples: Research Projects Tech Based Learning Increased Rigor - Same Concept
All Hands on Deck * Flooding of paras & specialists into interventions & extensions * Paras are integral part of PLC * Building Priority: shifting responsibility for support staff * Student confidence = success * Flooding of paras & specialists into interventions & extensions * Paras are integral part of PLC * Building Priority: shifting responsibility for support staff * Student confidence = success
Questions? Interested in Visiting? Presentations? CONTACT US... visit our district PLC website at: