Lessons from 30 Years in Academic Medicine Rebecca A. Silliman, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health,
Disclosures None
Objectives To enhance your appreciation of the centrality of personal growth To encourage intentional thinking about your career, but also nimbleness To promote mindfulness about your journey
My Career Path Brown University: 6 ½ years - assistant professor Tufts University: 3 ¾ years - assistant, associate professor Boston University: 19 ¾ years - associate, professor, section chief
Objective #1 To enhance your appreciation of the centrality of personal growth
Learn from Your Patients Don’t get stuck Recognize that there are seasons to life
Get to Know Yourself Learn your strengths and use them Don’t aspire to be someone that you are not (but keep growing)
Learn about People Learn what motivates them Choose to work with those who share your values Read Quiet
Objective #2 To encourage intentional thinking about your career, but also nimbleness
Follow Your Heart and Your Passions, but be Nimble A role model: Sid Katz Sometimes you will be in the right place at the wrong time. Sometimes you will be in the right place at the right time.
Learn from Your Mistakes Tough environments Poor mentors
Look at Other Jobs for the Right Reasons Right Reasons Person/environment mismatch Leadership/policy changes New opportunities Personal/family Wrong Reasons Job opportunity in which you have no serious interest Leveraging for pay/status increases
Be Strategic and Efficient Don’t apply for grants when the odds are infinitesimal Pick journal homes that are the right fit Know when and how you work most efficiently Manage technology
Objective #3 To promote mindfulness about your journey
Remember That We are Not All Survivors Our patients are survivors, but we may not be - Dennis Jahnigen What if you were diagnosed with a glioblastoma today?
What Would You Do?
Take Care of Your Body, Mind, and Soul
Be Generous Time Talents Praise Thanks
Summary Points Personal growth Intentional thinking Mindfulness
Thoughts and Questions? ( What are these Critters?)
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