Cyclical Program Review Staff Session August 2014
Contact details Claire O’Brien QUQAP Coordinator Ext Peggy Watkin Associate Director (Academic Initiatives) Ext 75322
Today’s presentation Cyclical Program Review-what it is Who does what Key points in CPR Staff roles
What is Cyclical Program Review? A process aimed at continuous program enhancement A requirement stipulated by the Council of Ontario Universities Review process involves the whole unit/department: staff, faculty and students. Happens once every 8 years
Who is involved? Department/Academic Unit Faculty/School School of Graduate Studies (when a graduate program is involved). Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
Department/Academic Unit Prepares nominations for Review Team Members, and rank orders them Important to start this early on Template on Provost’s Office QUQAP website Develops self-study, including CVs and relevant supporting documentation October 2014 to April 2015
Faculty/School Provides support to academic unit with review process Reviews and pre-approves self-study
Faculty/School: Review team Reviews and pre-approves Review Team nominees Secures Review Team members once nominee list is approved Consulting with academic unit, sets date and schedule for Review Team site visit Arranges travel and accommodation for external reviewers, pays travel expenses and honoraria.
School of Graduate Studies Where graduate program involved, provides academic units with support for review process Reviews and pre-approves self-study Reviews and pre-approves Review Team nominees
Office of the Provost Responsible for overall process and official documentation Provost (or delegate) provides final approval for Review Team nominees Reserves the right to approve self-study before it is sent to Review Team Supports the Senate Committee on Cyclical Program Review Liaises with COU Quality Council
Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain
Key points in Review Timeline Development of the self-study documents Site visit by review team Review by various levels of governance, leading to Final Assessment Report and Implementation Plan
An Effective Self-Study is: Reflective, analytical, inquiry-based (SWOT) Focussed on student learning Curriculum aligned to learning outcomes A collaborative process involving all faculty
Unit Staff Role in Self-Study Providing support for QUQAP committee Possibly helping arrange faculty session (retreat?) to review curriculum and learning outcomes.
Staff Role in Self-Study (cont) Project management; keeping development of self-study on track Collating and formatting documents, including faculty CVs Ensuring partners have been consulted (CTL, OIRP, Equity Office, Library services) Arranging for involvement/consultation of students
Review Team Site Visit In many ways, a central piece of the review process Good to begin identification of possible reviewers early in the process Faculty office responsible for much of the organization of the schedule, in conjunction with Unit
Review Team Site Visit: Evening Before TimeMeeting withLocation 6:00-8:00 pmReview Team – working dinner [Organizational Meeting]TBA
Review Team Site Visit: Day 1 Time Meeting withLocation 7:30–8:30 amReview Team - working breakfast (as needed)TBA 8:30–9:00 amDepartment/Unit Head(s) Unit 9:00–9:30 amFaculty Dean/Associate Dean(s)Dean’s Office 9:30–9:45 amTravel to Office of the Provost and VPA 9:45–10:15 amProvost and Vice-Principal (Academic)Richardson Hall 10:30–11:00 am Vice-Provost and Dean, School of Graduate StudiesGordon Hall 11:00–11:30 amDepartmental tour Unit 11:30–12:30 pm Regular faculty members Unit 12:30–1:30 pmLUNCH with Undergraduate StudentsTBA 1:30–2:00 pmRepresentative from appropriate University LibraryUnit 2:00–2:30 pmAssociate Dean(s) (Faculty and SGS)Unit 2:30–3:30 pmUnscheduled time to discuss/plan ReportUnit 3:30–4:00 pmAdjunct faculty members, Cross-appointees and EmeritiUnit 4:00-5:00 pmUndergraduate CoordinatorUnit 5:00–6:00 pmBREAK 6:00–8:00 pmReview Team - working dinner [closed]TBA
Review Team Site Visit: Day 2 Time Meeting withLocation 8:30–9:30 amSupport Staff Unit 9:30–10:30 amGraduate Coordinator Unit 10:30–11:00 am BREAK Unit 11:00–noonCognate Heads Unit Noon-1:00 pmLUNCH with Graduate StudentsTBA 1:00-2:00 pm Staff/students/faculty not available during other scheduled times; postdoctoral fellows; TAs (as appropriate) Unit 2:00-3:30 pmUnscheduled time to plan/prepare ReportUnit 3:30–4:00 pmDepartment/Unit Head(s)/Faculty Assoc. Dean/SGS Assoc. Dean [Exit Meeting] Unit 4:00–4:30Review Team – debriefing session
Thank you! Please check the Provost’s office website for the guide to QUQAP and the templates you’ll need bilities/qualityassurance.html bilities/qualityassurance.html