Introduction to Learning and Educational Technology 6 ects (INTRO) P COURSE STRUCTURE Thursday Friday PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 1: Educational Technology in my culture Thursday Friday PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 2: My personal learniing environment Thursday Friday PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 3: Visiting each other’s portfolios Thursday Friday PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT 4: Assesssing affordances Friday 08:15-11:45 KTK215 Course Info 08:15-11:45 KTK215 Lectures 08:15-09:45 KTK215 Lectures 08:15-11:45 KTK215 Lectures 08:15-11:45 KTK215 Lectures GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 12:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 10:15-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 12:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying GROUP 1 12:30-14:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop 14:30-16:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop GROUP 2 12:30-14:00 KTK215 Collaborative studying 14:30-16:00 KTK207 ICT Workshop DIGITAL PORTFOLIO READING MATERIALS Sawyer, R, K. (2008). Optimising Learning: Implications of Learning Sciences Research. Dabbagh, N. & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning OBJECTIVE The goal of the course is to examine the role of educational technology as a part of the possibilities and demands of the learning society in different learning contexts. In this course, the students familiarize themselves with the theoretical background, core concepts, and practical applications of learning and educational technology. In this course, the students become acquainted with the different constituents of expertise, in connection with which they reflect upon their own expertise path in a digital portfolio. One central goal of this course is to learn to use and evaluate information and communications technology pedagogically. CONTENTS Significance of educational technology in a learning society Basic concepts related to educational technology Introduction to the study of learning and educational technology: objectives, research subjects and the theoretical framework Expertise and reflecting upon one’s own expertise Central ICT applications LEARNING OBJECTIVES After this module the student can describe the basic concepts of educational technology name some of the central research topics in the field of learning and educational technology identify societal trends and strategic policies affecting the research field of educational technology describe the central characteristics of collaborative expertise use core utility software and information networks and evaluate their pedagogical usability plan and implement a digital portfolio in a blog environment CONTACT TEACHER Venla Vallivaara Room KTK321