MO PUH October 2009 This material was prepared by Primaris, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Missouri, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy Hospital Leadership and Quality Assessment Tool HLQAT a self-assessment tool to help hospitals identify and improve leadership structures and processes that are associated with high performance in clinical quality measures.
Web portal offers quick and easy access to everything needed to complete survey.
After registration, a hospital identifier code will be sent to you.
Once you’ve completed the HLQAT, survey results will be available online.
Clicking on “View Reports” will direct you to your personalized results.
To enter secure reporting portal, retype the hospital identifier code and password that you received upon registration.
Survey results are divided into 4 categories that offer internal and comparative analysis. Usage Reports Category: Offers an overview of the # of completed surveys per respondent group
Hospital Reports can display results divide by: - The 12 HLQAT domains/categories - Each individual survey question - Each individual respondent group Note: In addition to the available online reports, all results can be exported to Excel.
A comparison of the three respondent categories ―Board Members, Executive Management, and Clinical Managers―are presented across the 12 HLQAT domains and for each individual survey question.
Comparison of hospital’s results (Value) to HLQAT aggregate results (Reference Value) by: - Respondent categories--Board Members, Executive Management, and Clinical Managers - 12 HLQAT domains - Individual survey questions
Survey results can be cross-referenced with evidence-based interventions
Resources for Leadership Interventions (RLIs) categorized by the 12 HLQAT domains
Free, evidence-based resources!
Remember: w/subject line: “HLQAT Participant” Complete short survey using online portal at Notify Primaris by contacting Bob White or Dana Lammert View internal and comparative analysis Utilize free RLIs to improve leadership culture and quality performance
Questions? Please contact… Robert White, BA, PT Program Manager, Western Region Dana Lammert, MA Program Manager, Eastern Region