IMAGE Department , University of Padova Education and Research on Environmental Engineering at the University of Padova Raffaello COSSU IMAGE Department , University of Padova
Where Padova is! Venice Padua Sardinia Symposium University of Padova
City of Padova University of Padova
The University of Padua: the history Born in 1222, second oldest University in the world after Bologna(1210). Founded by students escaping from the Vatican Government: Libera Universis Patavina Universitas Iuristarum: Right, Law, Theology Universitas Artistarum: Astronomy, Medicine, Phylosophy, Sciences University of Padova
The University of Padova: the history Famous professors: William Harvey Gabriele Falloppio Gian Battista Morgagni Galileo Galilei University of Padova
Galileo chair University of Padova
The Aula magna University of Padova
The oldest anatomic theater in the world University of Padova
The University of Padova: the students Famous students: Niklaus Copernicus Carlo Goldoni Ugo Foscolo Giacomo Casanova Two Popes Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, first graduated woman worldwide University of Padova
The University of Padova: the students
The University of Padova: the numbers 13 Faculties Agricultural Sciences Economics Chemistry Law Engineering Literature and Philosophy Medicine and Surgery Veterinary Medicine PsicologyEducational Mathematical Sciences Natural Sciences Politician Sciences Statistics Science University of Padova
The University of Padova: the numbers TOTAL 2006-2007 Agricultural Sciences 2385 455 Economics 1292 225 Chemistry 2193 325 Law 4838 919 Engineering 10286 1792 Literature and Philosophy 6813 1161 Medicine and Surgery 5629 1125 Veterinary Medicine 757 124 Psicology 7289 889 Educational Sciences 3367 547 Mathematical Sciences 4181 812 Politician Sciences 6365 951 Statistics 936 186 56331 9511 University of Padova
The University of Padova: keeping the traditions Dean of the Environmental Engineering Faculty Rector of the Fukuoka University
i ge a m The IMAGE Department Idraulica/Hydraulics Maritime constructions Ambiente/Environment Geotecnica/Soil mechanics Engineering 3 Main head offices 5 Laboratories 12 Full professors 12 Associate professors 16 Researchers 20 PhD Students 22 Administration & technical staff University of Padova
IMAGE Department: Waste Technology Centre University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the entire project Laboratories Outdoor plants Financing: 2002 Planning & design : 2003 Construction I phase: 2006 Total surface: 2 hectars Building surface: 4000 m2 Library Pilot plants Offices Conference hall University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the laboratory University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the laboratory ICP University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the laboratory Waste edometer TKN GMS University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the laboratory University of Padova
Waste Technology Centre: the research Sustainable landfilling Final Storage Quality Remediation of old landfill sites Integrated sewage/waste organics management Landfill as carbon sink Biological Hydrogen production University of Padova
Solid Waste management Water and Wastewater Treatment MSc Programme in Environmental Engineering MAIN TOPICS Main Topics Solid Waste management Water and Wastewater Treatment Water Pollution Control Water Resources Management Soil and Groundwater Environmental Management Contaminated sites Renewable Resources University of Padova
MSc Programme in Environmental Engineering Admission Requirements Admission to all international students with a Bachelor's or Master’s degree. mathematics hydraulics transport phenomena biology physics necessary skills statistics hydrology soil mechanics chemistry candidates must have a proven proficiency in English. University of Padova
MSc Programme in Environmental Engineering The full time Master program has a duration of 2 years divided into two course semesters: Winter semester, beginning the Monday closest to October 1st Summer semester, beginning the Monday closest to March 1st the semester: 13-week of lectures and exercises 4-week of examinations (written and/or oral exam and/or the presentation of brief thesis or project). All (lecturing, exercise, projects, tutoring, exams, text material etc.) is provided in english. University of Padova
MSc Programme in Environmental Engineering European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of total workload. 60 ECTS per year A total of at least 120 ECTS points must be obtained: nine mandatory courses (69 ECTS) a project work (9 ECTS) optional courses (18 ECTS) master thesis work (24 ECTS) Students should choose one study line either “Environment” or “Soil protection” University of Padova
“Environmental Protection” Programme First year Second year Winter semester 30 Remediation of contaminated site Geology and geochemistry Pollutant dynamics in surface waters Elective course 9 6 Investment decisions and project evaluation Environmental project work Environmetal geothecnics Summer semester Modelling and control of environmental systems Solid waste management Waste water treatment International environmental law Masters’ thesis 24 University of Padova
“Soil Protection” Programme First year Second year Winter semester 30 Remediation of contaminated site Geology and geochemistry Pollutant dynamics in surface waters Elective course 9 6 Investment decisions and project evaluation Soil protection project work Environmetal geothecnics Summer semester Design of Structures for environmental protection Littoral dynamics and coastal engineering Regulation of river Water resources management Masters’ thesis 24 University of Padova
Elective courses Water Supply Treatment Geographical information system Environmental hydraulics Noise pollution control Fire-fighting technologies Environmental impact assessment Environmental geophysics Subsurface hydrology Fluvial hydrodynamics Sustainable and renewable resources Air pollution control Electromagnetic pollution Ecotoxicology Physics of complex systems Waste management in Developing Countries 6 University of Padova
International Student Perspectives Regular student He is fully enrolled in the 2years Master of Science Programme and he will receive the MSc Degree from the University of Padova. Fellowships are available, following a selection procedure. Erasmus exchange student He is regularly enrolled in an EU University. He spends one Semester (or More) at the University of Padova. The exams are recognized from the home University. He will receive MSc Degree only from his home University. Fellowships are provided by EU. Bilateral exchange student He is enrolled in a non EU University having with UNIPD a bilateral agreement for students exchange. Similar to the Erasmus exchange programme. No fellowship is so far available from the Italian side. Double Degree student He is enrolled in a University having a Double Degree Agreement with UNIPD . In general he spends 60 credits (ECTS) in the host University and 60 in the home University. He receives MSc Degree from both the Universities University of Padova
IMAGE Department, University of Padova Via Loredan, 20 - 35131 Padova MSc Programme in Environmental Engineering Contacts Prof. Raffaello Cossu IMAGE Department, University of Padova Via Loredan, 20 - 35131 Padova Phone: +39 049 8275454; Fax: +39 049 8275446; e-mail: University of Padova
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