Case report 30/09/09 Dr. David Tran A&E departement FVHospital
History A young girl 3 years old is sent to A&E department after a traffic accident She has a wound at the right arm but can move it normaly She cry and seems very painfull Pulse 150/min, SaO2 95%, RR 34/min, pain score not evaluated (10/10?), weight 12 Kg
First management She is installed in minor procedure box and then moved to dechocage IV line is installed and painkiller is prescribed (witch drug & what dose?) You ask for blood test (witch one?) You ask for Xray (witch one?)
Chest Xray of the child
Details of the chest Xray
CT scanner of the thorax
Summary Chest trauma with right collarbone fracture and 1 st & 2 nd left ribs fractures CT scanner: lung contusions Violent traffic accident: a concrete beam fall down on the car The mother died in the accident The girl has been sent to Nhi Dong Pediatric Hospital 2
Concrete beam crush the car …