United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Session organiser: Jana Meliskova UNECE Work Session on Statistical Metadata Geneva, March 2010
Jana Melíšková Slide 2 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting The Work Session on Metis 2008 recommended to draw more attention in its future work to the issues related to metadata on statistical quality. Such activities should be well orchestrated with the ongoing international work on statistical quality, avoiding any potential redundancies.
Jana Melíšková Slide 3 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting What is the aim of the session: To assist NSOs to increas efficiency in production of quality reports. What is not the aim: To negotiate content and methodological aspects dealing with statistical quality
Jana Melíšková Slide 4 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Users of Quality reports National level: Governmental institutions Other national users outside NSI Users inside NSI International level: IMF, OECD, Eurostat, other IOs
Jana Melíšková Slide 5 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting It is clear that reliable metadata on quality provide benefits across the entire statistical organization. But, the challenge is to integrate fully metadata on quality into the statistical metainformation system and the statistical business process.
Jana Melíšková Slide 6 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Subjects of quality reports a) statistics, statistical products; b) statistical processes; c) other activities of SO (e.g. those belonging to TQM). The contributions to the session are concentrated on a) and b)
Jana Melíšková Slide 7 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Milestones towards better QR Implementation of standards; Integration with Statistical Business Process; Integration with Statistical Metadata System; Users feed back; Close cooperation with subject-matter statisticians; Organization and Administration of QM.
Jana Melíšková Slide 8 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Standards Content quality frameworks national, international (e.g. ESS, IMF, OECD); Transfer to users ( e.g. SDMX); Phases of SBP (does not exist yet); SMS architecture.
Jana Melíšková Slide 9 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Invited papers 1. Quality Reporting within the Eurostat and ESS Metadata System (August Gotzfried, Hakan Linden; Eurostat) 2. Metadata and quality indicatorsreuse for quality reporting (Marina Signore, Giovanna Brancato; Italy) 3. The quality metadata sytem in the Chech Statistical Office ( Jitka Prokop; Jana Meliskova, Ebbo Petrikovits; Czech Republic) 4. ABS Data Quality Framework: Linking Quality Assessment Development and Performance Indicators (Narisa Gilbert; Australia)
Jana Melíšková Slide 10 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting Contributed papers 1. Quality Assessment at Statistics Canada (Alice Born, Laurie Riedman and Claude Julien) 2. The Value of Adopting and Implementation of ESMS Structure in Macedonian State Statistique Office (Helena Papazoska,Biljana Ristevska Karajovanovikj, Slavica Lipkij; FYR of Macedonia) 3. Management of Metadata in the Integrated Statistique Information System ( Giedre Vaisnoraite; Lithuania) in
Jana Melíšková Slide 11 Session IV: Metadata and Quality Reporting THANK YOU