Psychologists within Maternity and Child Health Care Infant and Child Mental Health in Primary Care
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Maternity and Child Health Care Centers Sweden boasts a unique system of health care for families, in that all Maternity and Child Health Care Centers are expected to adress the psychological needs of parents and infants. Comprising almost 100% of expectant parents, parents and infants and focusing mainly on the infant´s first years of life the services offer a unique opportunity for early mental health promotion
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Holistic approach The centers have a system of multi-diciplinary practice, with psychologists working close to midwives and nurses, general practitioners, gynaecologists, paediatricians. This stresses the importance of a holistic approach in working with families and take account on psychological, medical and social factors.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Psychologists in Child and Maternity Health Care Psychologists within Child and Maternity Health Care Services work with proactive (promotion and prevention) mental health care and treatment at an early stage.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Goal The goal for the psychologist´s work is to promote mental health and prevent mental illness for expectant parents and families with small children.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Target groups expectant parents families with infants (0-6 years) registered in the Child and Maternity Health Care Centers and the medical staff working in the centers
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Competence The clinical psychologists have special knowledge and training in psychological processes during pregnancy, delivery, perinatal period and parent-infant relation, developmental psychology, family psychology, methods for diagnosis and treatment of infants and their families and consultation techniques versus parents and medical staff.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Counsultation and further education aimed at midwives, nurses, general practioners, gynaecologists, paediatricians within the Child and Maternity Health Care Services. The purpose is to support the medical staff in psychosocial work and to contribute to increas knowledge concerning the psychological aspects of maternity, childbirth, parenthood and the developement of a child. Methods
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Assessment and diagnostic measures at the request of parents, the psychologist evaluates and analyses questions regarding a child´s developement, psychological problem or/and psycho-somatic disorder. Treatment and consultations aimed at expectant parents and families with small children who express the need of help and/or whose problem are noticed by the medical staff.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Co-operation with adjacent departments in health care and with relevant authorites. Development of methods and comprehensive issuses regarding child and maternity health and parenting support.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Parenting support Maternity and Child Health Care emphesizes the central role of parents in promoting child mental health and developement. Central is the aim to enhance parental competence and the family´s ability to solve problems for themselves. When needed assist parents with personal support, information and advice.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 The psychologist take part in universal parent groupes led by the midwives and nurses, initiate and work with specific parent groupes e.g. twin parents, families of adopted children, refugee families, families having sleep-, feeding or behaviour problems, women who have experienced Caesarean sectio and offers individual parent consultations.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Challanges The obvious need for greater investment in the area of infant and child mental health Integrate new knowledge about e.g risk and protective factors and sensitive periods into mental health preventive programmes and clinical pratice in Maternity and Child Health Care Services
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Develope or adopt methods for early identification of and early interventions within well-defined target groups e.g -communication difficulties (language and social skills) in early childhood, -parental mental illness, -parent-infant relation problems, -child abuse and neglect, -domestic violence and -parental substance abuse
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 and improved communication, coordination and collaboration with parents, the adjacent departments/ clinics, social services and with relevant community network.
Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care in Sweden The Future of Primary Care in Europé IV, Gothenburg 3-4 sept 2012 Thank You Antonia Reuter Psychologist, Manager Psychologist in Maternity and Child Health Care Gothenburg E- post: