Computer Science Project: BLACKJACK BY TEAM A
Overview of the Project Part A: Ramanathan Swaminathan, Zaith Peralta Ramos Game control, scoring and user interface work team Part B: Dominik Milcher, Nayan Dhodia Shuffle Part C: Avinash Herle, Ruben Romero Torred Play of the user, play of the dealer Part D: Marco Antonio González Vazquez, Max Koch Communication with the second board over the serial port Part E: Tobias May Software architecture, system integration, project coordination
Terms and Conditions 10 or less cards: new shuffle One Deck consists of 5 x all cards Stats should always go on counting Maximum Draw: 5 cards
Functioning of the Group Team A: void show_welcomemsg(); Show a tiny welcome message. void show_dealerwinmsg() Show a message telling the player won the round. void show_stats(); Show the current statistics on the screen. void show_currentcards(); Show Player and Dealercards on the Screen int check_cards(int *dealercards, int *playercards, int dealernumcards, int playernumcards); Check all cards for a win or a loose. void get_initialcards(); Set playercards and dealercards empty. Use function get_card() to get all the cards you need when a game starts.
Team B: void get_newcardset(int *carddeck); Generate a cardset with 260 (= 5 x 52) cards and shuffle them. Assigne them to array "carddeck" int get_card(int *carddeck); Get one card from the array "carddeck". Make sure the card is not accessible anymore and give it back as integer value. Team C: int get_dealerchoice(int *dealercards, int *playercards, int dealernumcards, int playernumcards); Make the decision what the dealer does. Give back choice as 0 = hit, 1 = stand int get_playerchoice(); Ask what player does. Give back choice as 0 = hit, 1 = stand void get_newplayercard(); Get a new card from get_card() and add it to players cardarray. Increas playernumcards. void get_newdealercard(); Get a new card from get_card() and add it to dealers cardarray. Increase dealernumcards. Team D: int get_virtualplayerchoice(int *dealercards, int *playercards, int dealernumcards, int playernumcards); Make the decision what the virtual player does. Give back choice as 0 = hit, 1 = stand. The function should splitted in a part for sending the information to the other MC and a part where the other MC makes the decision and sends it back. We need an interupt for interface check. If interupt occurs, set gamemode = "automatic".
LET THE GAME BEGIN Welcome screen