Where’s My Money? The DOE Golden Field Office Funding and Project Management Process Sun Grant/DOE Regional Feedstock Partnership Report and Planning Meeting February , 2010 Holiday Inn – Riverwalk San Antonio, Texas The James Cash Show Supporting Cast Steven Thomas Bryce Stokes
Pre- and Post- Actions Setting the Stage for DOE GFO DOE-HQ 1.Develop program priorities and initial funding allocations 2.Coordinate with INL, ORNL, and SGA; tie to PMP & Joules 3.Finalize with SGA Program Director on crop program and budgets 4.Finalize with GIS Coordinator on GIS program and budgets SGA Program Director 1.Works with team leads and labs on PMC134.1-SOPO, SF-424A, & PMC123.1 package – Leads work with PIs on SOPO 2.Reviews and submits crops and GIS packages to DOE-GFO GIS COORDINATOR 1.Works with region leads on SOPO, SF-424A, & PMC123.1 packages 2.Reviews and submits GIS packages to SGA Advisor
DOE GFO (Departments and Functions) OCPM - Project Management 1.SOPO (statement of work) 2.SF-424A (budget document) 3.PMC (budget document if total cost over $100K) 4.CSL (cost share letter 20% universities) OAFA - Contracts 1.Fringe rate (explain the calculation) 2.Indirect cost rate (provide federally negotiated rate, or explain) NEPA - Environmental Determination 1.EF-1 (on-line form); be explicit, ask for help, avoid GMOs) 1. GPS coordinates of plot(s) 2. Acreage 3. Crop species and variety
Sun Grant Association Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) Sun Grant Association Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) GO OCPM (project management) GO OCPM (project management) GO OAFA (contracts) GO OAFA (contracts) GO NEPA NEPA DETERMINATION SGA PD SDSU (James Doolittle) SGA PD SDSU (James Doolittle) Current PI New PI SOPO, SF-424A, PMC 123.1, CSL (forms sent to Jim Doolittle by Team Leads) NEPA EF-1 (GFO online form) Technical Evaluation (GFO OCPM) PI gets $ PI Memo (GFO Contracts) Physical Data Flow Current PI w/ new scope
Sun Grant Association Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) Sun Grant Association Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) GO OCPM (project management) GO OCPM (project management) GO OAFA (contracts) GO OAFA (contracts) GO NEPA NEPA DETERMINATION SGA PD SDSU (James Doolittle) SGA PD SDSU (James Doolittle) Current PI New PI PI gets $ Process Time Line Current PI w/ new scope 1 week 2-4 weeks 6-12 weeks 1 week
SGA Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) SGA Program Director South Dakota State University (James Doolittle) GO OCPM (project management) GO OCPM (project management) GO OAFA (contracts) GO OAFA (contracts) GO NEPA NEPA DETERMINATION SGA PD (SDSU) SGA PD (SDSU) Current PI PI gets $ Planned 2010 Time Line 6-12 weeks Staggered packages go to SGA 3/10-6/10 Requests go to leads in 9/09 & 10/09 for grant packages Staggered packages go to GFO 11/09, 12/09, and 1/09 Staggered packages go to OAFA 2/10-5/10
Actual 2010 Time Line To Date GroupTo GFOTo OAFATo SGA Sorghum, cane, and ARS 1/15/102/19/103/12/10 Miscanthus, switchgrass, and woody 1/15/103/12/104/2/10 Stover, stover tool, and cereal 1/31/104/2/104/23/10 CRP, GIS, and advisors 1/31/104/23/105/14/10
NEPA Questions and / or Concerns Q: When do I have to complete a DOE NEPA EF-1? A: The PI must complete a NEPA EF-1 when they: 1. Join the Feedstock Partnership field trials 2. Have a change in their field trial scope 3. ASAP Q: Do I have to submit a new NEPA each year of my trial? A: If your trial received a previous NEPA determination, this determination will hold for the remainder of the project unless there is a change in scope. Q: What should I do if I am encountering difficulties completing my on- line DOE NEPA EF-1 form? A: Feel free to contact your GFO project monitor or project officer, and they will help you through the process.
NEPA Questions and / or Concerns Things to bear in mind about NEPA and field trials 1.GMOs – a.De-regulated, commercial varieties of corn, wheat or alfalfa – OK b.Anything else (including switchgrass, energycane, sorghum, miscanthus, poplars & willows) – NO 2. Invasive species - consult with your State Department of Agriculture 3. Chemicals (fertilizer, herbicide, pesticide) “Standard agricultural management practices” 4. Employ positive statements; leave no doubt (e.g. “No radiological materials will be created or used on this project”) 5. Check your GPS coordinates (our NEPA people will)
Thank You, Questions?