The US 5 Year Muon Acceleration R&D Program To Boldly Go… MICE Collaboration Meeting Harbin January, 2009
Overview Much of this comes out of the DOE Review of Accelerator Science, December 2008
Page 3 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross The 5 Year Plan The Proposal Has now been submitted to DOE A joint US: NFMCC-MCTF Plan –A measured program based on the solid muon accelerator R&D achievements of the last decade –Sufficiently ambitious to make substantial progress before the next round of long-term decisions by the particle physics community (Note: Coming soon – March 2009 DOE Retreat) –Includes accelerator, physics & detector studies (only accelerator part in this talk – we also have plans & estimates for physics & detector studies) Meets our existing commitments (NF-RDR, MICE) and in addition will deliver: –MC performance requirements based on physics –A first end-to-end MC simulation –Critical component development & proof-of-principle experiments –A first MC cost estimate
Page 4 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Elements of the MC R&D Plan BNL FNAL LBNL FNAL LBNL FNAL LBNL FNAL LBNL FNAL BNL (Targetry) LBNL
Page 5 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Elements of the Plan - 2 Design and Simulations –MC DFS Physics and Detector Study (Demarteau and Eichten) Accelerator Design & Simulation Study (Ankenbrandt & Fernow) Cost Estimation Study (Zisman) –NF RDR (Bross) (under IDS-NF auspices) Overall system design and staging scenarios Siting issues Participation in cost estimation activity
Page 6 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Elements of the Plan - 3 Component Development and Experiments –Carry out hardware development and perform experimental tests to “inform” MC DFS and NF RDR Complete MICE! Facilitate down-selection of MC cooling channel options –Includes ongoing work RF testing, magnet development, absorbers, target –Understand performance limits, engineering issues, costs –Defines subsequent experimental program (extends beyond 5-yr plan)
Page 7 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Resources Asking for a Significant Ramp-Up in Effort! NOW Yr NOTE: Roll-over in years 4-5 provides an opportunity to initiate post-DFS activities, should the community wish us to proceed to the next step NOW Yr
Page 8 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Why Muon Acceleration R&D? Muon Complex Evolution At Fermilab Starting with a high-intensity proton source: Project X We see a natural evolution of “muon” program for Fermilab Project X Low-Energy NF (pointing to Homestake) High-Energy NF 1.5 TeV MC 4 TeV MC
Page 9 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Muon Acceleration and Future HEP Facilities Neutrino Factory & Muon Collider MC: One Concept 4 TeV Center-of-Mass Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron Acceleration Neutrino Factory –IDS Baseline (FS1, FS2(a)(b), ISS) 25 GeV storage ring 4 GeV Option under study Common Front-End, SMALL FOOTPRINT
Page 10 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Progress Potential
6D Cooling
Page 12 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross ACTIVITIES: YEARS MC-ZDR Physics & Detector –Establish physics reach vs E & L –Define performance goals (E, L, … ) –Set up background & detector simulations –Define detector requirements & plan detector R&D to inform ZDR MC-ZDR Design & Simulations –Study alternatives for the accelerator subsystems using defensible parameters –Cross-check promising subsystems with 2 simulation codes NF-RDR Studies –Determine relevant underground conditions at FNAL –Detector magnetization design & procurement for test –Interim NF-RDR report in 2010 Components & Experiments –MICE: Complete Steps III – V (1 RF section + 2 absorbers) –RF in magnetic field studies: Determine viable options & performance –HCC: 4-coil models (2009) & conceptual design + short demo HCC magnet (2010) –Other magnets (ring, fast-ramping): Study options, define parameters
Page 13 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross ACTIVITIES: YEAR 3 MC-ZDR Physics & Detector –Detector R&D, simulation & physics studies –Establish likely MC detector performance MC-ZDR Design & Simulations –Specify baseline accelerator design & study optimization (minimize work on alternatives) –Simulate representative matching sections –Carry out representative tolerance studies –Freeze accelerator design NF-RDR Studies –Underground engineering: begin cost, schedule, risk analysis –Build detector test magnet Components & Experiments –MICE: Complete Last step – VI (2 RF sections + 3 absorbers) –Study 6D cooling experiment options –HCC-Section: Engineering design & procurement (magnet+RF) – Guggenheim-Section: RF Cavity and magnet conceptual design –Other magnets (ring, fast-ramping): Define technology tests to inform ZDR
Page 14 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross ACTIVITIES: YEAR 4 & 5 MC-ZDR Physics & Detector –Continue detector R&D –Compare simulated physics reach with other machines (e.g. CLIC) MC-ZDR Design & Simulations (& cost) –Complete design of all matching sections –End-to-end simulation of accelerator complex –Detailed tolerance studies –Cost estimate NF-RDR Studies –Complete RDR report Components & Experiments –MICE: Simple 6D cooling experiment (LiH wedge ?) –6D Cooling experiment design studies to inform decision about what to propose –HCC Section: Magnet test & RF integration & test –Guggenheim-Section: Engineering design & procurement (magnet+RF) … build & test in year 5-6 –Other magnets (ring, fast-ramping): Technology tests to inform ZDR & post-ZDR R&D needs
Page 15 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross NICE (Next Ionization Cooling Experiment) 6D Cooling Experiment There is no 6D Cooling Experiment in the 5 Year plan. A 6D cooling experiment would be a follow-on to the 5 Year plan AFTER technology down-select –A MICE extension using LiH wedge is in the plan. Natural extension of our current LiH procurement effort 6D Cooling in the 5 Year Plan – “The bulk of the muon cooling is done in the 6D cooling channels” Proposed effort is component R&D to define specifications & conceptual design –Guggenheim –HCC –FOFO Snake –50T HTS Channel (Very-High B + LH 2 ) –PIC-REMEX –Low- Bucked-Coil Lattice –Li Lens Channel FINAL COOLING
Page 16 MICE CM – Harbin January 2009 A. Bross Conclusions An overview of our proposal was presented at the DOE review of Accelerator Science in December, 2008 The full proposal has now been submitted to DOE –(No feedback yet) –Will undoubtedly be discussed at the DOE Program retreat in March (for out-years, beyond FY09) –No 6D Cooling experiment is in this proposal A FULL review of the proposal will occur at some future date –SOON we hope!