DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 1 The Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 2 Quality System Should Link All Data Collection and Use Steps Together Define Decisions, Identify Data Needs Define Needed Data Assess Available Data for Applicability Retrieve Available Data that Meet Criteria Plan and Design Data Collection Collection of Samples Lab Analysis Review of Available Data Measurement Data Review Data Usability Assessment Data Entry Processing and Transfer Data Archiving to Master db Information Product Development Transfer/Storage Use Assessment Collection/Analysis Planning or
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 3 Basis of UFP-QAPP ANSI/ASQ E-4 Section 6 (Part B) EPA QA/R-5 and QA/G-5 Region 1 QAPP Guidance –As starting point –Organized around four major QAPP elements and use of worksheets Work of IDQTF consensus workgroup –Representatives from EPA headquarters and Regions, DoD and DOE ANSI/ASQ E-4 Section 6 (Part B) EPA QA/R-5 and QA/G-5 Region 1 QAPP Guidance –As starting point –Organized around four major QAPP elements and use of worksheets Work of IDQTF consensus workgroup –Representatives from EPA headquarters and Regions, DoD and DOE
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 4 Format Follows Systematic Planning Process (SPP) –Formal DQO Process (EPA QA/G-4) or other Fill-in-the-blank worksheets for each QAPP element Allows for graded approach –Amount of documentation and detail will depend on complexity and scope of project Follows Systematic Planning Process (SPP) –Formal DQO Process (EPA QA/G-4) or other Fill-in-the-blank worksheets for each QAPP element Allows for graded approach –Amount of documentation and detail will depend on complexity and scope of project
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 5 Initial Implementation UFP-QAPP is voluntary consensus policy –Once adopted by Federal department, agency, or program, use is mandatory within that organization –Each participating Federal department, agency, or program must develop its own implementation plan DoD and EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response have approved EPA OSWER issued Directive on implementation FFRRO and EPA Quality Staff issued joint guidance on applicability of UFP-QAPP to all EPA Programs Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum of 11 Apr 06 Joint EPA-DoD Implementation Memo under development UFP-QAPP is voluntary consensus policy –Once adopted by Federal department, agency, or program, use is mandatory within that organization –Each participating Federal department, agency, or program must develop its own implementation plan DoD and EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response have approved EPA OSWER issued Directive on implementation FFRRO and EPA Quality Staff issued joint guidance on applicability of UFP-QAPP to all EPA Programs Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum of 11 Apr 06 Joint EPA-DoD Implementation Memo under development
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 6 Information Quality Guidelines Required by the Data Quality Act- PL …for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility and Integrity of Information… In essence, requires that data have a pedigree that permits users and potential users to assess useability of data for specific purposes A good, implemented QAPP is the foundation of data pedigree Required by the Data Quality Act- PL …for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility and Integrity of Information… In essence, requires that data have a pedigree that permits users and potential users to assess useability of data for specific purposes A good, implemented QAPP is the foundation of data pedigree
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 7 Success in Region 2 Implementation Review documents in the context of UFP requirements Track Implementation at the regional level via Management Accountability Systems Compile feedback for improvements/modifications Review documents in the context of UFP requirements Track Implementation at the regional level via Management Accountability Systems Compile feedback for improvements/modifications
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 8 Regions 2 Staged Approach Superfund sites and Federal Facilities Brownfields RCRA sites Superfund sites and Federal Facilities Brownfields RCRA sites
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 9 Initial Success in Region 2 FY’06 FY ’07: 50% reduction of EPA FTE devoted to QAPP review 20% increase in QAPP submittals FY’06 FY ’07: 50% reduction of EPA FTE devoted to QAPP review 20% increase in QAPP submittals
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 10 Initial Success in Region 2 More than doubled use of UFP in 2007 for Superfund & Federal Facilities as a result of implementation strategy 2007UFPNon-UFP Quarters 1&21224 Quarters 3&42711
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 11 Continued Success in Region 2 UFP Compliance for SF/FF continues to grow: * 1 st Half of 2009 Reviewers saw an 80% decrease in the number of revisions prior to QAPP approval UFP Compliance for SF/FF continues to grow: * 1 st Half of 2009 Reviewers saw an 80% decrease in the number of revisions prior to QAPP approval Fiscal YearUFPNon-UFPRatio : :1 2009*2755:1
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 12 Continued Success in Region 2 Implementation has begun for Brownfields as well, for which the compliance is not yet mandatory, but steadily growing each year. * 1 st half of 2009 Implementation has begun for Brownfields as well, for which the compliance is not yet mandatory, but steadily growing each year. * 1 st half of 2009 Fiscal YearUFPNon-UFPRatio : :7 2009*12231:2
DOEEPADoDDOEEPADoDDOE EPADoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPA DoDDOEEPADoDDOEEPADoD 13 Continued Success in Region 2 Region 2 contractors prepare 100% UFP compliant QAPPs 10% reduction in FTE devoted to QAPP preparation once familiar with UFP format Decrease in revisions is attributed to use of logical tables and generic formatting versus text alone. Region 2 contractors prepare 100% UFP compliant QAPPs 10% reduction in FTE devoted to QAPP preparation once familiar with UFP format Decrease in revisions is attributed to use of logical tables and generic formatting versus text alone.