CASE CLOSING, DISCHARGE AND DECLASSIFICATION IN SESIS Welcome to SESIS Hello everyone. Welcome to today’s webinar which is on case closing, discharge and declassification processes is in SESIS. First we are going to spend some time reviewing this PowerPoint presentation which will give you an overview of each of these processes. Then we’ll log into the SESIS training environment and run through a few of the scenario’s. At the end we will save a few minutes for questions and answers. Remember that this webinar is being recorded and can be viewed at anytime. The powerpoint we’re using will also be available for download. CASE CLOSING, DISCHARGE AND DECLASSIFICATION IN SESIS
Learning Objectives By the conclusion of today’s session you should feel comfortable: Accessing training and reference materials on the SESIS web portal and in the SESIS tool Closing a case in SESIS Discharging a student in SESIS Declassifying a student in SESIS By the end of today’s session we want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the following: READ SLIDE New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Website Supports for Case Closing, Discharge and Declassification Training and reference information is available from within the SESIS tool and on the SESIS portal. Log in to either using your Outlook ID and password. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Website Supports for Case Closing, Discharge and Declassification Periodic updates on SESIS functionality and processes are regularly reported in the following: SESIS Weekly Bulletin Principal’s Weekly School Support Weekly SESIS Help Topics (i.e. Help Desk database) Access to the SESIS portal If your computer is on the DOE network: If you are not on the DOE network: For non-DOE staff: Beyond this webinar we also have other resources you can review and those include the SESIS Weekly Bulletin! Published each Tuesday as an announcement on the SESIS homepage. The Principal’s Weekly, School Support Weekly and we also have the SESIS Help Topics … which can be accessed directly from the HELP link in the application. To get to the SESIS portal and access all of our other materials, including archived versions of the above, use the addresses you see on the slide. 4 4
Case Closing Process Overview Create the Case Closing document in SESIS Select the reason for the case closing (and reason for delay, if prompted) Create the documentation or outreach that supports closing the case in SESIS, as required Fax in supporting documents with signature where appropriate Finalize the Case Closing document. Ok … we’re going to start today by discussing the case closing process. Here’s an overview (READ SLIDE): Example of documentation that may need to be created: parent / principal agreement to withdraw. Or you may need to log parental outreach in the student's event log. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Case Closing Process: Case Closing Document Create the Case Closing document from the Create New Document: dropdown. Select a reason the case is to be closed from the Case Closing Reasons: dropdown menu. The dropdown menu choices are automatically populated based on the student’s process stage (e.g. Initial, Annual Review, etc …) When initially opening the case closing document you’ll notice a lengthy guided action at the top of the screen. Regardless of the student's process stage, the same guided action will appear. As part of that message you’ll see that it states that the “Final Notice of Withdrawal from the Evaluation Process: Initial Referral” is required for three of the case closing reasons. That is actually incorrect and the tables we’re about to review on the next few slides CORRECTLY outline the documentation and/or outreach that is required for specific case closing reasons. We are in the midst of updating the case closing guided action that is viewed on the screen. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Case Closing Process: Supplemental Documentation When the Case Closing document is saved SESIS will prompt you to complete the additional documentation that corresponds to the case closing reason that is selected, if required. Once the necessary documentation has been completed (including faxing in signed documents, if required) the Case Closing document can be finalized. (after 1st bullet) Sometimes documentation is not required, but instead outreach attempts to the parent must be logged in the student’s event log. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Reasons/Associated Documentation for Closing: Initial Case Closing Reason Case Closing Documentation The parent of a student repeatedly fails or refuses to produce the student for an evaluation. The Final Notice of Withdrawal from the Evaluation Process: Initial Referral PLUS two outreach attempts in the student’s Event Log The parent refuses to consent for evaluation. The Final Notice of Withdrawal from the Evaluation Process: Initial Referral The parent does not respond or does not show up to the social history meeting. The principal and parent agree to withdraw the referral. Parent/ Principal Agreement to Withdraw The referral is withdrawn from the referring party. N/A Parent withdraws consent for evaluation. The Parent Withdrawal of Consent and Final Notice of Termination Parent Revocation of Consent I’m not going to go into detail reading through the next few slides which outline the various case closing reasons and documentation associated with a student's specific process stage. Just keep in mind that this PowerPoint presentation will be posted along with the recorded webinar, so you can refer back to this at any time you’re closing a student’s case in SESIS. In the left hand column you have the case closing reasons associated with the process stage – this slide is for an Initial. In the right column you have the documentation that needs to be created and/or the parental outreach that needs to be conducted New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Reasons/Associated Documentation for Closing: Reevaluation Case Closing Reason Case Closing Documentation The parent of a student repeatedly fails or refuses to produce the student for an evaluation. Document two outreach attempts in the student’s Event Log The parent refuses to consent for evaluation. The referral is withdrawn from the referring party. N/A Parent Revocation of Consent The Parent Withdrawal of Consent and Final Notice of Termination Parent of a student with an IESP/SP does not respond or consent to reevaluation Create fax coversheet for “Parent refused to consent for evaluation” and fax in documentation supplied by the parent Here we have the same table for a Reevaluation. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Reasons/Associated Documentation for Closing: Mandated 3YR Case Closing Reason Case Closing Documentation Parent Revocation of Consent The Parent Withdrawal of Consent and Final Notice of Termination Parent of a student with an IESP/SP does not respond or consent to reevaluation Create fax coversheet for “Parent refused to consent for evaluation” and fax in documentation supplied by the parent A mandated three year New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Reasons/Associated Documentation for Closing: Annual Case Closing Reason Case Closing Documentation Parent Revocation of Consent The Parent Withdrawal of Consent and Final Notice of Termination And finally for an annual review. In a few minutes we’re going to log into SESIS and I’ll show you an example of how to create the case closing documentation. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Discharge Process Overview The Discharge process is initiated in ATS for public school students The discharge process is initiated in SESIS by CSEs for non-public school students Once the student has been discharged in ATS, the Declassification/Case Closing/Discharge section of the student’s profile is updated in SESIS. The student will also appear on the Discharge Report –YTD The student may show as active or inactive depending on the discharge reason Script … set student up with a discharge code 8, then create discharge document New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Discharge Process Overview Check the Discharge YTD Report If the student is listed as inactive, no further action is required New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Discharge Process Overview 3. If the student is listed as active with one of the following discharge reasons: Student transferred to an NYC Private school Student transferred to a NYC Parochial school Student transferred to an institution (non-DOE) Parent moved out of NYC 4. The appropriate parental outreach must take place to determine whether the student should remain active in SESIS or be discharged (inactive) 5. Log all parental outreach in the student's event log 6. Create and finalize the discharge document in SESIS ONLY if it is determined that the student should become inactive. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Declassification Process Overview The declassification process is used for students already receiving special education programs and/or services that are outlined in his or her IEP. If a student is being declassified, a new IEP is not required. If a student is being declassified and there is an existing draft IEP, the draft IEP should be deleted. An IEP attendance page is always required. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Declassification Process Overview Create the “Declassify Student from Special Education Services” document from SESIS. Indicate whether declassification support services are recommended. Mail the Notice of Recommendation Declassification. The parent has 14 days to respond. After 14 days, finalize the Declassification document. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Declassification Process: Declassification Document Create the Declassification from Special Education Services document from the Create New Document: dropdown. Complete the Declassification from Special Education Services document and mail the Notice of Recommendation Declassification to the parent. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
Declassification Process: Parental Outreach If the parent provides written disagreement within 14 days of the Notice of Recommendation Declassification: Fax into SESIS the parent’s written disagreement using the fax coversheet created from the template Finalize the Declassification from Special Education Services document Convene a meeting by creating a Notice of IEP Meeting – Notice should correspond to the student’s process stage Fax the attendance page using the fax coversheet created from the template If the parent agrees with the declassification within 14 days of the Notice of Recommendation Declassification or does not respond: Verify that the declassification can go into effect by viewing the Status of Students - Declassified report Once effective date is verified, finalize the Declassification from Special Education Services document If the parent does not agree, an IEP meeting must be held to discuss the options – what type of IEP meeting? If the parent agrees within the 14 day period, right now you’ll still have to wait the 14 days before you can finalize the document. That will be fixed in a future release. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project