Research Administration Updates & Information Session 9/17/2014 Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
Topics Covered Introduction & Introductions Introduction & Introductions NIH Notices/Updates NIH Notices/Updates SciENcv SciENcv Uniform Guidance Updates Uniform Guidance Updates Reminders/Miscellaneous Reminders/Miscellaneous Questions/Feedback Questions/Feedback
NIH Notices & Updates NOT-OD –eRA Commons User IDs required for graduate and undergraduate student roles –1 or more person-months effort on project –NIH requests the students complete profile –Has been a ‘warning’ since October 2013 –Will be an ‘error’ beginning October 2014
NIH Notices & Updates NOT-OD –NIH Updating Closeout Policies & Procedures –Effective for project end dates after 9/30/2014 –“Bilateral closeout” – ALL final reports submitted (90 days) and accepted within 180 days –“Unilateral closeout” – without receipt of acceptable final reports (out of compliance) Risk of disallowed costs and/or debt Risk of disallowed costs and/or debt GCA closeout processes GCA closeout processes –May change to align with Uniform Guidance – –Frequently Asked Questions on grant closeoutFrequently Asked Questions
NIH Notices & Updates NOT-OD –Description of how Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are used by the Institution –NOT specific IDPs for individuals –Required when Participant list includes Graduate Students and PostDocs –ALL progress reports submitted on/after 10/1/2014 –RPPR Section B “Accomplishments” Question B4 –Also required for training and professional development awards/components (e.g. T, F, K, R25, R13, D43) –Dr. Ed Krug and Dr. Joann Sullivan drafted a template for MUSC
NIH Notices & Updates NOT-OD –eRA Commons User IDs required for the primary Sponsor in Individual Fellowship applications –NIH and AHRQ requirement –Instructions: List the Sponsor as Senior/Key Person 1 List the Sponsor as Senior/Key Person 1 Use the 'Other' or 'Other Professional Role' in the Project Role field and provide the text 'Sponsor' in the other Project Role Category field Use the 'Other' or 'Other Professional Role' in the Project Role field and provide the text 'Sponsor' in the other Project Role Category field Provide a valid Commons Username with the 'Sponsor' role in the Credential field Provide a valid Commons Username with the 'Sponsor' role in the Credential field
NIH Notices & Updates Update: Additional Education Information attachment –Individual Fellowship (F30, F31, F32) –Cayuse is adding a new validation Consulted with NIH Consulted with NIH NIH to update guide NIH to update guide Similar confusion nationwide Similar confusion nationwide
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae - SciENcv − Biosketch preparation for federal applications − Currently for NIH biosketch preparation NSF functionality coming with system update Interagency Working group includes: DOD, DOE, EPA, NEW, NIH, NSF, Smithsonian and USDA − Will add SciENcv information to ORSP page − SciENcv FAQs SciENcv FAQs SciENcv FAQs − Instructions (pdf) Instructions (pdf) Instructions (pdf)
Uniform Guidance Uniform Guidance QUICK REVIEW Uniform Guidance QUICK REVIEW –Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards –Supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110 and A- 122 –Effective December 26 th, 2014
Uniform Guidance Uniform Guidance Updates Uniform Guidance Updates –CONFIRMED: nothing more from agencies –Procurement Standards: 1 Year Grace Period –Requirement for timing of Close-outs within 90 days extended to 120 days for NSF & NIH –“Must” and “Should” Importance in UG Must is a requirement. Must is a requirement. Should is a recommended best practice. Should is a recommended best practice.
Uniform Guidance Uniform Guidance Updates (cont.) Uniform Guidance Updates (cont.) –“Subrecipient” & “Contractor” determinations Subrecipient characteristics Subrecipient characteristics –Determines who is eligible to receive what federal assistance –Performance measured in relation to whether objectives of federal program were met –Has responsibility for programmatic decision making –Responsible for adherence to applicable federal program requirements specified in federal award –Per the agreement, uses the federal funds to carry out a program for public purpose specified in authorizing statute vs. providing goods & services just benefiting the pass-through entity
Uniform Guidance Uniform Guidance Updates (cont.) Uniform Guidance Updates (cont.) –“Subrecipient” & “Contractor” determinations Contractor characteristics Contractor characteristics –Provides goods and services within normal business operations –Provides similar goods and services to many different purchasers –Normally operates in a competitive environment –Provides goods or services that are ancillary to the operation of the federal program –NOT subject to the compliance requirements of the federal program as a result of the agreement, though similar requirements could apply for other reasons
Reminders/Miscellaneous NIH will be rolling out new requirements related to NIH will be rolling out new requirements related to NSF clarifies inclement weather policy NSF clarifies inclement weather policy –IF NSF shuts down due to weather/natural causes on the day of the grant deadline, then the deadline will be the very next day. –Same for the submitting institution IF there is an Official Shutdown of the entity, deadline is next day
Reminders/Miscellaneous PLEASE check and recheck FISCAL UNIT on the ePDS PLEASE check and recheck FISCAL UNIT on the ePDS Mistakes lead to delays in correct unit number for udak Mistakes lead to delays in correct unit number for udak Delays spending/work on the project Delays spending/work on the project Creates administrative delays: PEARS, etc. Creates administrative delays: PEARS, etc. Wastes everyone’s time (YOURS, GCA and ORSP) Wastes everyone’s time (YOURS, GCA and ORSP)
Reminders/Miscellaneous ORSP MUST review and approve ALL proposals PRIOR to submission ORSP MUST review and approve ALL proposals PRIOR to submission –Even if sponsoring entity doesn’t require a signature –Some submissions don’t allow for ORSP or Authorized Official sign-off or approval –PLEASE get ORSP in-the-loop REGARDLESS of application process/procedures, THANKS!
Reminders/Miscellaneous ORSP & Departmental/Unit Coordination ORSP & Departmental/Unit Coordination –Proposals should be reviewed by initiating unit BEFORE going to ORSP –SAME for JIT REQUESTS Effort changes may have occurred Effort changes may have occurred ORSP may or may not have a way to know ORSP may or may not have a way to know JIT should be pre-reviewed by unit – best practice JIT should be pre-reviewed by unit – best practice
Reminders/Miscellaneous NEXT ORSP sponsored Training NEXT ORSP sponsored Training –October 28, 2014 –10:30 AM in 803 Harborview Tower – ch/orsp/ ch/orsp/ ch/orsp/
Questions? Please complete feedback survey. Thank you for your time!