GEORGIA ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY Mission Statement The Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA) provides financial assistance and administers programs that encourage stewardship of the environment and promote economic development statewide.
GEFA Divisions Water Resources State Loans Federal Loans Grants State Energy Office Governor’s Energy Challenge Weatherization State Energy Program Land Conservation Program Grants Loans Tax Credits Energy Innovation Center Economic Development Security Research Fuel Tank Program Remediate Monitor Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority
GEFA’s Responsibilities Lead energy planning efforts and encourage the growth of the renewable energy industry Manage the Governor’s Energy Challenge and the Georgia Land Conservation Program Maintain state-owned fuel storage tanks Finance reservoirs and water supply, water quality, storm water and solid waste infrastructure projects.
GEORGIA ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY Energy Resources Division Promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy assistance programs.
GEORGIA ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY Energy efficiency and renewable energy projects will grow our economy and create jobs Reducing energy use through conservation and efficiency will contribute to the stewardship of our state’s natural resources and save taxpayer dollars Developing renewable energy in Georgia will diversify our energy resources, stimulate the economy and improve the environment
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in ARRA Approximately $75 B Potential for EE & RE Nationwide 7
ARRA Funding for New and Expanded GEFA Programs ProgramARRA Funding Weatherization= $124.7 M State Energy Program= $82.5 M Block Grants (New)= $21.6 M Appliance Rebates (New)= $9.3 M Energy Assurance (New)≈ $1.1 M Approximately $238 M for EE & RE to be administered by GEFA 8
ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program $124.7M 9 Accomplished Submitted final state application Approval of state plan by DOE DOE monitoring visit GAO monitoring visit Kick-off meeting, contracts signed with Action Agencies Held first new crew basics training at Southface (2 more) RFI resulted in nine submittals from potential providers Weatherized 141 homes with ARRA funds All agencies reported 1512 data on time Contract with UGA executed (monitoring) Contract with Southface executed (training) Held first Wx Assessor training at Southface Challenges2,500 houses to 13,000 Action agencies increase in volume, hiring, Davis-Bacon Training 105 new weatherization employees in 2009 Monitoring - maintaining quality of work Creating a new reporting system
ARRA State Energy Program Uses $82.5M 10 SEP Sub-programs Amount State Facilities Retrofit Program State Facilities Retrofit Program Clean Energy Rebates (non-residential) Clean Energy Rebates (non-residential) Competitive Renewable Energy Grants ($4 M max) Competitive Renewable Energy Grants ($4 M max) Competitive Energy Efficiency Grants ($1 M max) Competitive Energy Efficiency Grants ($1 M max) Energy Building Codes Update & Compliance Energy Building Codes Update & Compliance Program Management Program Management $65,000,000 $ 4,495,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 936,364 $ 2,063,636
ARRA State Energy Program (SEP) $82.5M 11 Accomplished Final comprehensive application submitted State facilities application period open (30 Days) Approval of state plan by DOE Competitive grant application period open (30 Days) State facilities projects selected Competitive grant applications received (120) Released clean energy rebate guidance for comment Clean energy rebate applications received (110) ChallengesAll new programs- from conception to reporting Law Department coordination to review and release contracts Finding the time to review 120 applications New reporting systems need to be developed Historic preservation and NEPA compliance Monitoring projects
ARRA State Facilities Projects by Agency 13
Energy Efficiency and Cons. Block Grant (EECBG) $21.6M 14 Accomplished final application submitted to DOE approval of state plan by DOE comments received on draft guidelines guidelines amended and released, apps due ChallengesAll new programs Between 44 and 100 local government projects New reporting systems need to be developed Historic preservation and NEPA compliance Monitoring projects
EECBG Eligible Activities: Local Government : 15 Eligible Activities Energy efficiency retrofits for existing private or public facilities; Energy efficiency and conservation programs for buildings and facilities; Renewable energy technologies on government buildings, such as solar, wind, fuel cell and biomass; Technical consultant services to develop and implement an energy efficiency and conservation strategy; Development of an energy efficiency and conservation strategy; Residential and commercial building energy audits in community; Building codes and inspections to promote building energy efficiency; Financial incentive programs for energy efficiency, such as revolving loan funds, on-bill financing or performance contracting; and Workshops/training through Building Operator Certification, LEED, etc..
EECBG Preparation 16 Competitive program: only the best applications will be awarded funds for programs. Most competitive applications will include some of the following: Mechanism to capture and reinvest savings from energy retrofits Community-wide or regional energy conservation program Revolving Loan Fund for government & non-government retrofits (20 per cent limit) Plans for extending impact of program funds beyond 2012 Coordination with other organizations & pre-existing programs Community-wide or regional programs How can governments prepare for EECBG application? Reach to leaders in this field for program ideas Work with community leaders to identify needs Technical consultant services are allowable activities with funds Sign-up for GEFA ARRA Energy List-serve for funding opportunity announcements Maximum funding per project is listed below. $300,000 for individual local government applicants $500,000 for regional projects serving at least three adjacent local governments
Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program 17 How it’s Administered Rebate for qualifying residential Energy Star appliances; an amount equal to the incremental cost difference between a standard appliance and an Energy Star appliance. RFP for third party match so state funds are not used Amount$9,300,000 Key Dates Funding announced GEFA submitted initial application to DOE RFP released to execute the program Proposals due to GEFA Final program plans due to DOE from GEFA Funds awarded to states (including any extra from states not able to participate) Funds spent Special Requirements 50% of administrative cost match requirement ($1 M est.) States must finalize a list of appliances and rebate levels
Energy Assurance 18 How it’s Administered States are encouraged to build or expand state employee expertise in energy emergency management, especially as it pertains to revising plans based on new smart grid applications and renewable energy Coordination between GEFA, GEMA, PSC, Utilities Amount$1,088,694 Key Dates State application submitted DOE announced award to GEFA Management and hiring plans due to DOE (est.) Energy Assurance Plans Due (est.) Special Requirements State employees, not consultants highly encouraged
QECB’s : Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds “Q Bonds” 19 How it’s Administered Tax credit bonds for EE and RE Allocation to cities and counties that exceed 100,000 in population (19 counties, 3 consolidated gov’ts, 2 cities) They can authorize a development authority to issue bonds (30% can be used for private activity) Coordination between GSFIC and GEFA Amount$100.5 M Statewide Local Government Share: $63.5 M State Government Share: $37 M Key Dates GSFIC resolution approved allocations and procedures Notice to local governments of QECB allocation Allocation designees notify GEFA of intent to issue Special Requirements Each “allocation designee” may waive all or part of allocation to the state (GSFIC) GEFA tracks amount used at local level and waived to state
GEORGIA ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY 233 Peachtree St., NE Harris Tower, Suite 900 Atlanta, Georgia Rich Ross State Energy Program Manager (404) David Gipson Energy Division Director (404)