AGENCY NGA BUDGET DILG5,752,833, DA4,282,468, LGSF2,789,061, DSWD2,717,446, DEPED1,493,509, DOH1,472,862, DTI614,125, DOLE444,277, DOT348,041, DENR323,508, TESDA296,367, NIA178,701, NEA101,716, DOE84,679, TOTAL20,899,600, BREAKDOWN BY AGENCY
BREAKDOWN BY REGION REGIONPROJECT AMOUNT ARMM 313,920, CAR 964,500, CARAGA 1,004,369, NCR 251,977, REGION I 1,592,098, REGION II 1,159,221, REGION III 1,628,398, REGION IV-A 1,787,500, REGION IV-B 967,500, REGION IX 977,000, REGION V 1,691,589, REGION VI 1,823,810, REGION VII 1,896,375, REGION VIII 1,871,775, REGION X 1,333,107, REGION XI 753,500, REGION XII 882,956, SUB Total 20,899,600,082.04
GPB 2015 Amount per PAP AGENCYPAPAmount (in Million) DALocally Funded Projects4,282.5 NIALocally Funded Projects178.7 DENRNational Greening Program323.5 DEPEDGulayan sa Paaralan Innovative/Abot Alam/ALS No details Repair School Furniture , DILGWater Projects Capdev DILG DILG Other Projects 2, ,022.4
GPB 2015 Amount per PAP AGENCYPAPAmount (in Million) DOEHousehold Electrification Program84.7 DOHEnvironmental and Occupational Health Family Health Health Emergency Management Health Facilities Enhancement Program DTTB and RHPP Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Locally Funded Projects National Pharmaceutical Policy Devt
GPB 2015 Amount per PAP AGENCYPAPAmount (in Million) DOTIndustry Training Planning Product development DSWDKalahi CIDSS Protective Services Sustainable Livelihood Program 1, DTIIndustry Clustering LRED Others One Town One Product Rural Microenterprise Program Shared Service Facility Yaman Pinoy
GPB 2015 Amount per PAP AGENCYPAPAmount (in Million) LGSFIntegrated Community Food Production Core Local Road Other LGU Projects , NEASitio Electrification program Barangay Line Enhancement Program TESDATechnical Vocational Training/Community Based Taining DOLEVarious Projects (Training, Rural Emergency Employment Services, reintegration Services) 444.3