2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career “Sharing the Commitment” A Model of Collaboration Between Parent Centers and Schools Wilbur Hawke, Director, South Florida Parent Center (SFPC) Michael Moore, Executive Director, LDA Hawaii & Hawaii PTI Dr. Victoria Sartorio, Executive Director of Exceptional Student Education, Collier County Schools, Naples, FL
Presentation Outcomes Overview of “Sharing the Commitment” Parents and Professionals understand the benefits of collaboration Parents and professionals together achieve the best outcomes for children and families Generate interest in National Collaboration
Essential Pieces Parent Involvement Administrative Support DOE Support Community Stakeholders Capacity Building Focused Student and Family Outcomes
One Parent How it all began………. One parent became an advocate for many parents Parent and school district developed an adversarial relationship Trust was lacking between parents and schools
Administrative Support New Administrators see things differently! “There must be a better way…” Proactive rather than reactive Meeting of the minds!
Florida DOE Support Encouraged to include parental support in IDEA application Each District could determine how they planned to utilize funding Approval by DOE for parent liaison and Exceptional Student Education Advisory called “Sharing the Commitment”
Sharing the Commitment Advisory By becoming informed, effective supporters for their children’s educational needs, parents of students with disabilities will build positive, collaborative partnerships between home and school. Experienced, collaborative parents will create a networking “pool” of informed parents who demonstrate and promote the value of positive communication and partnership skills. This pool will provide support and information services for school sites and for less experienced parents.
Sharing the Commitment Advisory PTI trained PEERS act as liaisons to effect positive change in schools and families The District School Board of Collier County will further demonstrate its continuing commitment to parent involvement
Connecting the Pieces 1. Parental involvement and knowledge combined with… Educator knowledge and expertise 2. All stakeholders focused on the same outcomes: student achievement and development and family involvement “Sharing the Commitment” was born!
Stakeholders Parent Liaison/PTI All Parents of SWD Superintendent/District Administrators PEERS = Parent/Educator Exceptional Resources (Parent-ESE Teacher Team) Principals ESE Program Specialists (school-based) Community Partners
Sharing the Commitment to Excellence!
Building the Capacity Workshops and training for parents and educators – research-based Website Site-based parent/professional resources (libraries, assistive technology, various “Kits” etc.) Expand and sustain site-based PEERs
Building the Capacity Brochures “SAW” training for typically developing peers Annual parent survey Increase community/business partnerships Expand through National PTI Network
Focused Outcomes Improved achievement and development for students with disabilities Increased communication, commitment and shared responsibilities between families and educators
Outcomes Inclusion rates: SY02-03 to SY09-10 Reg. Class 62% to 82% Res. Room 9% to 4% Sep. Class 25% to 13% Other 4% to <1% (residential, private and day schools)
Student Outcomes Graduation rate for SWD increased from 34% in SY02-03 to 44% in SY08-09 Dropout rate decreased from 6% in SY02-03 to 4% in SY08-09
Student Outcomes Percent of SWD meeting AYP Criteria Florida Alternate Assessment SY08-09 to SY09-10: Reading 52% to 72% Math 48% to 69% Writing 33% to 68% Science 53% to 62%
Student Outcomes Percent of SWD scoring 3 or above on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) from SY07-08 to SY09-10: 22% to 27% Reading 30% to 35% Math
Parent/Family Outcomes Increase in attendance at parent/family workshops when held at school sites Increase in number of visits to STC website by 65% 36% parent involvement rate from LEA profile vs. state and size-like districts in Florida – (32%)
Parent/Family Outcomes Parent/Family Satisfaction Survey Communication The IEP Meeting Benefits of Special Education
Ratings for Communication
Ratings for “The IEP Meeting”
Ratings for Benefit of Special Education
Parent-District Outcomes Conflict Resolution Minimal Number of Due Process Hearings 2000 – (2) (4)
“Sharing the Commitment” National Collaboration
Questions & Closing Contact us: – Wilbur Hawke (239) – Michael Moore (808) – Dr. Victoria Sartorio (239)