JMA Projected World Energy Supplies Projected World Energy Supplies BILLION BARRELS Billion Barrels of Oil Equivalent perYear (GBOE) Billion Barrels of Oil Equivalent perYear (GBOE) Natural Gas Natural Gas Hydroelectric Crude Oil Solar, Wind Geothermal Nuclear Electric 1993 Coal Decreasing Fossil Fuels New Technologies World Energy Demand after Edwards, AAPG 8/97 Careers in Oil & Gas Remain Important
JMA Wells Drilled in the USA Percent Oil Dry Gas American Petroleum Institute, 1994 Most Desired Resource GasGasOil
JMA US Domestic Production American Petroleum Institute, ThousandBarrels per Day Natural Gasoline and Other Hydrocarbons Crude Oil 1998 Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbons
JMA 1950’s15% 1960’s20% 1970’s36% 1980’s42% 1990’s50% 2000’s? United States Petroleum Imports American Petroleum Institute, 1999
JMA Venezuela Major Suppliers of Oil to the U.S. Millions of Barrels Per Day Canada Saudi Arabia Mexico U.S. Dept. of Energy Embassy of Venezuela 12/98 U.S. News & World Report
JMA DOE Oil Price Forecasts Linear Trends Predicted Beginning From the Actual Price of Year Listed after U.S. Department of Energy, Year Actual Dollars per Barrel
JMA 1998 Oil Price Forecasts Nine Organizations U.S. Department of Energy, IEA DOE High Mobil DRI DOE Base Nat. Res. Canada Nat. West Sec. DOE Low Pet. Econ. Ltd. $/BBL (1996 Dollars) Year Widely Divergent Forecasts Make Planning Difficult
JMA US Oil & Gas Consumption/Efficiency Total O&G Energy Consumption (Trillion BTU) Total O&G Consumption per GDP (1987$-1000BTU) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 60, Robert McGill - AAPG Explorer, 11/95 Technology Drives Efficiency: Population Drives Consumption
JMA Impact on Students 60 Colorado School of Mines and US Department of Energy, Year $/Barrel Oil Price (1996 dollars/barrel) Petroleum Engineer Graduates (Colorado School of Mines) Linkage of Petroleum Industry and Geoscience Students
JMA Worst Case Employment Scenario Arthur L. Smith, CFA - Abilene, Texas, , , , ,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 Total Number of Petroleum Industry Employees (FRS Companies) Global Energy Demand will Counter Trend
JMA *with normal attrition and no replenishment Geoscience Demographics For a Typical Major Oil Company Gone Fishing > Age (YRS) Age Brackets for Geoscientists Worldwide (2008*)