Ark nr.: 1 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Workshop at Matforsk, Ås, Norway 13th-14th May 2004 Design of Experiments – Benefits to Industry Coorganised by Pro-ENBIS WP1 and IBION Industrial Biostatistics Network (Norway)* The Pro-ENBIS project is supported by funding under the European Commission's Fifth Framework 'Growth' Programme via the Thematic Network "Pro-ENBIS" contract reference: G6RT-CT
Ark nr.: 2 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Pro-Enbis Thematic Network Contracted for three years by the EC under 5th framework programme Its mission is "to promote the widespread use of sound science driven, applied statistical methods in European business and industry." Thematic network Develop partnerships within Europe Support selected projects at the forefront of industrial and business statistics Facilitate rather than provide Contract with the European Union. Total funding of Euros Contractors Ten European institutes: co-ordinator and the nine principal contractors. More than 20 partners, the members.
Ark nr.: 3 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Pro-Enbis Thematic Network (cont.) Deliverables Typical deliverables are workshops, papers in scientific journals and industrial visits. The deliverables are grouped around 8 work packages. This workshop is a deliverable for Pro-Enbis work package 1 - Design of Experiments Pro-ENBIS and ENBIS (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics) The idea behind Pro-ENBIS is that it provides a structure that facilitates the achievement of many objectives of ENBIS. Pro-ENBIS draws on the expertise of the membership of ENBIS. Future plans Pro-ENBIS will attempt to form the basis of an EC funded 6th Framework Network of Excellence.
Ark nr.: 4 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Program and organising committee: Henry WynnLondon School of Economics Frøydis BjerkeMatforsk, Norwegian Food Research Institute Øyvind LangsrudMatforsk, Norwegian Food Research Institute Tormod NæsUniversity of Oslo/ Matforsk / IBION Are AastveitAgricultural University of Norway / IBION John TyssedalNTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ark nr.: 5 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Day 1: Workshop - DoE benefits to industry 10:15Introductions - short presentations · Pro Enbis: Frøydis Bjerke · IBION : Are Aastveit 10:30· Jan Engel, CQM, The Netherlands: Design of Experiments & Statistical Modelling put into practice 11:30Short break 11:45· Bente Kirkhus - Mills DA, Norway: Application of design and analysis in order to improve product stability of low fat mayonnaise CANCELLED 12:15Lunch Plass for fellestekst på foredraget (Fjernes om ikke i bruk)
Ark nr.: 6 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Day 1: Workshop - DoE benefits to industry (cont.) 13:15· Geir Ausland - Elkem, Norway: Applications of statistical methods within metallurgical industry 13:55· Nadine Henkenjohann - Dept. of Statistics, University of Dortmund: Statistical modelling of response functions to inhibit bacteria growth in cream 14:35Short break 14:50· Åsa Jansson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd: Modelling large, continuous, industrial processes 15:20· Harald Martens - Matforsk: Introduction to discussion - Aims and challenges on applying statistics within industry 16:15End of day 1 app 18:00Dinner in Drøbak
Ark nr.: 7 | 23. januar 2004 | Forfatter: XXx | Arkivert: I:\felles\_Utveksling - a member of the Food Science Alliance | NLH - Matforsk - Akvaforsk Day 2 - Statistics Seminar: Recent Research Developments in DoE for process and product improvement 09:00· John Tyssedal - NTNU, Norway: Efficient screening, design and analysis. 09:45· Jan Engel, CQM, The Netherlands: Factorial effects and longitudinal data: using semi-parametric models 10:30Short break 10:45· Henry Wynn - LSE, England: Advances in Robust Engineering Design 11:30Lunch 12:30· Øyvind Langsrud - Matforsk: Rotation Tests - Computing exact adjusted p-values in multi-response experiments. 13:15· Ingrid Måge - IBION Ph.D. student, Norway: Projection Design - Theory and applications 13:45Short break 14:00· Kjetil Jørgensen - IBION Ph.D. student, Norway: Presentation of work 14:30Summary, Evaluations 15:00End of day 2