Early History of EPICS EPICS Seminar/Workshop Raja Ramanna Centre For Advanced Technology Indore India January Presented by: Marty Kraimer
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT2 Reference See EPICS home page Then Documents Then General Description Then EPICS: A Control System Software Co-Development Success Story Along the way There may be other interesting documents But many are out of date
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT3 1980s Ground Test Accelerator LANL project started mid 1980s Star Wars Project BTSC: Beam Telescope Control System Control System for Diagnostic System for GTA Installed for testing at Argonne National Lab in about 1987 or 1988 GUI Operator Interface (DEC Windows on VaxStation) May have been first in Accelerator Community Demonstrated at ICALEPCS 87 GTACS : Ground Test Accelerator Control System Last half of 1980s. Mike Thuot was the group leader Original GUI was from BTSC. But project to replace with X windows. IOC concept was from Bob Dalesio Based on experience with industrial control system (D3) Channel Access (Jeff Hill) evolved from BTSC to support GTACS
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT4 1980s Continued Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Lab Conceptual Design In late 1989 permission to start construction Controls Group for APS Martin Knott was the control group leader Conceptual Design and beginning of construction Was aware of BTSC and GTACS Sent Marty Kraimer to learn about GTACS summer 1989 At ICALEPCS 89 Discussed possible collaboration Marty Kraimer's first assignment was: learn GTACS Explain it to Controls Group Meeting between LANL and APS controls groups Big dispute was GUI – X windows only or Motif Decided to Collaborate
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT5 Early 1990s GTACS evolves into EPICS Extendable record/device/driver support GTACS hard coded connection to record and device support To add a record type required several code changes Same for new device support RSET, DSET, and DRVET solved this problem All processing was synchronous Very difficult to support GPIB and serial devices LBL, SSCL, and CEBAF (Now Jefferson Lab) join collaboration Steve Lewis's Controls Group at LBL Don Dohan's Linac Control Group at Super Conducting Super Collider Later SSC decided to use EPICS for all SSC Accelerators Later the SSC was canceled. Sigh!! CEBAF replaced home grown control system while under construction DESY (Germany) joined collaboration. First outside USA Matthias Clausen Control Group Leader Conventional Facilities Was using D3 system. Saw how EPICS was similar
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT6 Commercialization ANL, LANL, DOE (USA Department of Energy) Signed a five year agreement with three companies Based on release 3.8 EPICS free for non-profit organizations. Must sign license agreement One company made major additions and provided control system Turn-key system Installed Hardware Provided custom code, databases, etc Trained operators When five year agreement was complete Decided to make EPICS open source It took time to get permission from DOE At end of five year agreement More than 100 license agreements were signed Since EPICS is open source do not know how many users.
January 2009EPICS Seminar RRCAT7 EPICS Evolution during 1990s Early versions of EPICS OPI Workstation Originally only VAX Later only SUNOS Workstations IOC VME systems with vxWorks operating system Processor Originally only 68K The 68K SUN workstation compiler was the compiler Later powerPC supported OSI (Operating System Independence) This distinguishes the 3.14 releases from 3.13 Both CA clients and IOCs are now supported on many platforms EPICS IOC modules Continuing to evolve EPICS Applications (Client based) Continuing to evolve