Internet Safety
Internet use and Social networking There may be a knowledge gap between you and your children in this area. It may be an area that you do not feel confident engaging with them about. You may be able to work in a partnership with more knowledge.
Benefits of the internet Educational games and programmes Research information The opportunity to communicate with people from all around the world The opportunity to share resources and ideas with people that have the same interests Shopping around the world without leaving your computer
Drawbacks Educationally, it can be one dimensional. Excessive time spent ‘researching’ often hides actual leisure usage which takes over. Not a substitute for interacting with people face to face.
Where’s Klaus?
Social networking sites
Different approaches There is a more immediate emotional response to face to face communication. Communicating when you can’t gauge body language, tone of voice or facial response can lead to misunderstanding and conflict. This is common in communication through texting or social networking.
‘Most are internet experts but it is difficult to tell them they are not experts on life’ Young people can be naive to risks, and often feel that they are invincible, or that 'they would know if someone was lying'. There can be a certain amount of teenage risk taking which is expressed through their usage because they see it a safe to do so. Activities mimic the lives seen in the media, searching for another reality.
Some risks of social networking sites Risks can arise when young people give out their personal details to strangers. Young people will often 'swap friends' through IM If they are talking to another person there is a risk that this information could be misused. Leaving their account ‘open’ could let it be hijacked by others Notable gate crashing of ‘private’ events. Paedophiles use the internet, it is a proven way for them to groom victims.
Things to watch out for Here are some common signs of grooming that you should be aware of. It doesn’t mean that your child is being groomed, but signs to look out for if you’re worried: Excessive use of the computer Aggressive behaviour regarding internet usage Secretive behaviour especially in internet usage. Change in use of sexual language
Social networking sites advice Encourage them only to upload pictures that you as their parents would be happy to see Urge them not to post their phone number or address on their homepage or in a blog. Urge them to adjust their account settings so that only approved friends can access them. Check if they have ticked the “no picture forwarding” option on their social networking site settings page. Ask them to show you how to use a social networking site. These sites are available in many forms, ‘banning’ use may be a limited and unrealistic option.
CEOP button Child exploitation and online protection CEOP work in partnership to protect children and young people from sexual exploitation – from the e-world to the real world. Access to the ClickCEOP button is provided via an application that users can add or bookmark so that it appears on their homepage.
DoE advice for parents on cyber-bullying Be alert to your child seeming upset after using the internet or their mobile phone.. They might be unwilling to talk or be secretive about their online activities and mobile phone use. Talk with your children and understand the ways in which they are using the internet Use the tools on the service and turn on in-built internet safety features. Remind your child not to retaliate Keep the evidence of offending s, text messages or online conversations. Report cyber-bullying Contact the service provider. If the cyber-bullying is serious and a potential criminal offence has been committed, you should consider contacting the police.
DON'T DELETE ANY S! Save them on your computer, perhaps creating a special folder for them to be stored in. TELL SOMEONE! A parent or guardian will be able to support you and contact the relevant agencies, even the police if appropriate. DON’T REPLY to any abusive s you receive. This avoids making the situation worse and shows the bully that you are not going to be intimidated.
Most messenger services (MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger, AOL Messenger etc) allow you to save conversations you have to your computer.. Saving messages is a good way of keeping an exact record of what was said and will be required by the messenger service provider if you wish to make a complaint of harassment. If you are being harassed via a messenger program then make a complaint to the service provider supplying any evidence you have (saved conversations etc). The provider will then investigate the complaint and take appropriate action.
Block or delete people who are abusive towards you. Only people you allow to speak to you can actually contact you. Don’t add people you don’t know to your list. If you do receive any abusive messages via a messenger program…DON’T RESPOND! Remember, other people may save conversations too so be careful what you discuss.
IT IS ILLEGAL TO CONTACT ANYONE VIA TELEPHONE WITH THE SPECIFIC INTENT TO CAUSE FEAR OR HARM! ‘Happy Slapping’ Text Messages Constant Calling and hanging up Malicious Calls
Don’t give your number out to people you don’t know and never write it down where others may see. If you receive an abusive text or receive an inappropriate MMS do not reply. Save it and contact an adult immediately. If you are unsure as to a number that is calling you. let it go to voic . If it is someone important they will leave a message anyway. Contact your service provider. Contact the police.
Questions? Useful website Linked on School website.