* English SOL Institute Secondary Research Strand Michelle Crotteau, Ed.D. Sandra Parks, NBCT
* S ECONDARY R ESEARCH Key Points in Research Critically evaluate the accuracy, quality, and validity of the information Frame, analyze, and synthesize information to solve problems, answer questions, and generate new knowledge
* S ECONDARY R ESEARCH Key Points in Research Citation of primary and secondary sources begins in grade 6 Consequences of plagiarism, following ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information stressed in grades 3-12
S ECONDARY R ESEARCH Key Points in Research Each research “product” does not have to be a paper Incorporate Media Literacy into research Research is now tested on the Writing SOL test *
Points to Consider Integrate research skills throughout the school year Expose students to a variety of sources so that they are able to differentiate between types of sources, evaluate information, and present information in a variety of formats Cross-curricular projects would be ideal
Collaborative Process Librarian and English/Language Arts teacher Other content area teachers Community
Steps in Authentic Research Identify Research Question o audience o purpose o product Narrow focus o Select and evaluate Sources o Cite sources Take notes Organize information Synthesize information into end product, with a Works Cited or Bibliography page Evaluate the research process
Key Vocabulary (students need to know these) Fact Opinion Key word Bias Credible Summarize Paraphrase Plagiarism URL Medium/media Online database Citation Purpose Audience Evaluate Source Accurate Bibliography Search engine
Authentic Research : Why? Provides an Opportunity for Differentiation Content Process Product Affect (Tomlinson and Imbeau, 2010) Engages students based on their interests Allows for flexible grouping and collaboration within the classroom and across disciplines
Identify Research Question Students Consider: Audience Purpose Focus inquiry subquestions Product Teacher Provides: Rubrics for assessment K-W-L List of suggested topics/ questions
Identify Research Question Sample student inquiry questions: How does a girl prepare for her Quinceanera? How was "Call of Duty" developed? How can I catch more bass? What is the history of the Arabian horse? Why is seatbelt safety important? What was the effect of the BP oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico's ecosystem? How do I show a heifer for a 4-H project?
Identify Research Question: Preliminary Research Teacher: o Reviews or introduces CARS checklist (Harris, 2007) o Introduces or reviews MLA/APA citation o Provides research model or steps to follow Students: o Check that credible info is available on chosen topic o Develop subquestions o Identify keywords for search strategies.
Select Sources Brainstorm all possible sources. These will vary according to the research question. Remind students to include both primary and secondary sources. Review lists with students to make additional suggestions and develop specific search strategies.
Key Word Search and Source Evaluation Sample student selection worksheet: 1. List key words for search: __________________ 2. Skim-read possible sites to see which one gives you the best information. Chose one of the sites from the search and record the MLA citation. 3. Print out the information. 4. Why did you choose the site? 5. Why will this site be a credible, accurate, and reasonable source of information?
Locate and evaluate sources Review list possible sources Decide which to check first. o likely to give best information o most authoritative o accessible Use CARS Checklist to evaluate sources
Cite sources Create citation as soon as source is identified as reliable and useful Online vs. Print Work Cited NoodleTools Example:
Take Notes Identify main idea Summarize information Discuss plagiarism and ways to avoid it o Use phrases o Answer subquestions Introduce Tags in digital note taking
Formative Assessment Research Process 1. Show your Topic Selection packet 2. Show your KWL chart 3. Show the printout of the website you chose. Show a close reading of the text by making comments in the margin, underling/highlighting information important to your topic 4. Show your source citation 5. Using the "CARS" handout, explain how you know the web page you selected is Credible, Accurate, Reasonable, and Sourced. Address each area with a specific example
Organize information Examples: Formal Outlines Graphic Organizers Consider: Product Audience
Evaluating Research Process Reflective Writing assignment Survey Students fill out own rubrics
Evaluating Research Process Opportunity to teach thesis and support Student quotations: "I enjoyed this project and learned a lot from it. One of the things I learned was how to cite a webpage. I think this will help me in the future because when I do research projects in high school, college, and even for my job, I will not be plagiarizing. Another thing I benefited from this project is how to determine the quality of a website." "What I liked about the project was that when I presented my topic, I wanted my classmates to know about my culture so thy could see. I saw that they were very interesed about my topic."
Authentic Research Students used the research process to be successful in endeavors outside of the classroom o showing heifers for 4H o using information to source an essay for the VFW contest o using information for a presentation given at the Virginia state FCCLA convention o presenting information on animals of Virginia and threats to their habitats at Blacks Run cleanup
Resources "Big6 Skills Overview." The Big6: Information & Technology Skills for Student Success. Big6, Web. 25 June Donham, Jean. "Deep Learning Through Concept-based Inqiry." School Library Monthly Sept.-Oct. 2010: n. pag. School Library Monthly. Web. 25 June < articles/Donham2010-v27n1p8.html>. Harris, Robert and Andrew Spinks. "The C.A.R.S. Checklist for Evaluating Internet Sources." "Models." Information Age Inquiry. Indiana University - Perdue University School of Library and Information Science, Web. 26 June < models.htm>. Tomlinson, Carol Ann and Marcia B. Imbeau. Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom. Alexandria: ASCD, Yucht, Alice H. "FLIP it!™." Alice in Infoland. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June Virginia Department of Education. "English Online Writing."
Contact Information Michelle Crotteau, Ed.D. Sandra Parks, NBCT 24
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