Getting Started: Registering E-Filings Colorado Public Utilities Commission
Registering E-Filings Start at the PUC Homepage: Click E-Filings from the “Top Links” to the right of the picturesE-Filings There are three types of users in E-Filings: Non-Filer Filer Filer Administrator
Non-Filer The Non-Filer user wants information from the PUC, but will never send anything to the PUC (or have anything sent for him/her). This is ideal for those who research or want to follow PUC activities, but won’t get involved. Note: one can search PUC records without registering at all. Registering as a Non-Filer means that E-Filings can automatically send future information to you (either through Saved Searches or Subscriptions).search PUC records
Filer Administrator vs. Filer The Filer Administrator effectively becomes the entity, for the PUC’s purposes. Anything the PUC needs to send to the entity would go to this account. The Filer is authorized by a Filer Administrator to file on behalf of an entity (or on behalf of another filer who has been authorized by an entity). For instance, the filer administrator for Entity XYZ invites Attorney Doe to file for Entity XYZ. Attorney Doe invites Staffer Smith to file the documents for Attorney Doe, on behalf of any entities that have authorized Attorney Doe (including Entity XYZ). The entity representative is a Filer Administrator and the attorney and the staff member are both Filers. Entity XYZ (Filer Administrator) Attorney Doe (Filer) Staffer Smith (Filer) Entity XYZ (Filer Administrator) Contactor Doe (Filer) Staffer Smith (Filer)
Non-Filer Registration The Non-Filer Registration creates a place to send any Saved Searches or Subscriptions. Invent a logon ID and Password Enter contact information Choose whether to automatically receive certain filings, like notice of a proposed change to the rules for a certain industry or notices of new applications that might affect a business. Agree to the terms, click Register and Save.
Filer Registration Basic: create logon information and record contact information. Click Continue. Detailed: Record address(es). Click Continue. Role: Filer or Filer Administrator? See above.above Filer Administrator = enter Registration Code. Need a Registration Code? Contact Cathy Lopez ( , or Alison Torvik ( , Filer = enter your firm, not the client entity.
Filer Registration cont’d Others File on Your Behalf – Yes, if Attorney/Contractor Doe or Staffer Smith will file for you. This can always be changed later. Note, PUC rules might require representation by an attorney. See Rule 1201 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure.Rules of Practice and Procedure Attorney Status – whether or not. Filed previously with the PUC – If in paper, or years ago, the answer would be yes.
Filer Registration cont’d Invitations – When Yes is selected at Others File on Your Behalf, this screen is where those addresses are entered. If No was selected, this screen is not presented. Checking “Invites Others” allows Attorney Doe to invite Staffer Smith Subscription – Choose whether to automatically receive certain filings, like notice of a proposed change to the rules for a certain industry or notices of new applications that might affect a business.
Filer Registration cont’d Attest – Review the contact information carefully. If there are arrows, use the Back button at the bottom of the page (not in the web browser) to go to the page with the error. Carefully review the attestations. Note that it is the user’s responsibility to keep the account information accurate. Failure to receive a courtesy does not negate service; the filing is served when in the user’s Filing Center (home page).