Research Services Georgia Baptist Convention 2014 ACR Annual Church Report Research Services Georgia Baptist Convention
Why Complete Your ACR? Completing the Annual Church Report can help your church: Record an historical testimony to the work that God is doing in and through your congregation Provide trends and illustrate change in areas like membership, baptisms, small groups and giving Aid a pastor search committee to review church information for prospective candidates from any congregation in the Southern Baptist Convention Plan for classroom growth and meeting space analysis Provide financial information over long periods of time which can help secure a building loan Determine the number of messengers to the GBC and SBC annual meetings based on membership and missions giving
Why Complete Your ACR? Completing the Annual Church Report can help your association, state convention and Southern Baptist Convention: Plan for new church starts and missions Develop strategies to strengthen churches Prioritize areas in the state/nation for strategic evangelism efforts Identify church staff and lay leadership for possible training, leadership opportunities and conferences
More on each of these priorities later… ACR Focus Spiritual Renewal 2. Kingdom Generosity 3. Church Revitalization 4. Church Planting 5. Authentic Evangelism Reducing Lostness in Georgia Together More on each of these priorities later…
Paper Form A Brand New Look! Front Back
Paper Form And More Later…
Membership / Attendees Inactive Members Active Members Who do you count and where? Do NOT live close enough to attend regularly – college students, active military, relocated but did not move membership Members living close enough to attend regularly Guests and Visitors
Membership / Attendees Inactive Members Included in Total Membership (NOT REPORTED ON 2014 ACR) Active Members Do NOT live close enough to attend regularly – college students, active military, relocated but did not move membership Members living close enough to attend regularly Guests and Visitors
Membership / Attendees Inactive Members Active Members Do NOT live close enough to attend regularly – college students, active military, relocated but did not move membership Included in Resident Membership Members living close enough to attend regularly Guests and Visitors
Membership / Attendees Inactive Members Active Members Do NOT live close enough to attend regularly – college students, active military, relocated but did not move membership Members living close enough to attend regularly Worship Attendees / Small Group Participants Guests and Visitors
Membership / Attendees Inactive Members Included in Total Membership (NOT REPORTED ON 2014 ACR) Active Members Do NOT live close enough to attend regularly – college students, active military, relocated but did not move membership Included in Resident Membership Members living close enough to attend regularly Worship Attendees / Small Group Participants Guests and Visitors
Is It a Small Group? NOT a small group. Is only one person involved? Yes Is only one person involved? NOT a small group. Is the entire congregation meeting together?
Is It a Small Group? This is a Bible Study Small Group Yes Is it a Sunday School class? This is a Bible Study Small Group Is it a group of people meeting for the purpose of Bible Study?
Is It a Small Group? This is a Discipleship Small Group Is this a Christ-centered affinity group? (Shared interest in cars, photography, quilting, etc.) Yes This is a Discipleship Small Group Is it a group that meets regularly for Christian growth/education, fellowship, prayer, ministry or support? (All ages)
Is it a group that meets for music or missions education/activities? Is It a Small Group? This IS a small group. Count the group in #9 only, but not participants for questions #4 and #7. Is it a group that meets for music or missions education/activities? Yes
Is It a Small Group? NOT a small group. This is a Bible Study Yes Is only one person involved? NOT a small group. Is the entire congregation meeting together? Yes Is it a Sunday School class? This is a Bible Study Small Group Is it a group of people meeting for the purpose of Bible Study? Is this a Christ-centered affinity group? (Shared interest in cars, photography, quilting, etc.) Yes This is a Discipleship Small Group Is it a group that meets regularly for Christian growth/education, fellowship, prayer, ministry or support? (All ages) This IS a small group. Count the group in #9 only, but not participants for questions #4 and #7. Is it a group that meets for music or missions education/activities? Yes
Paper Form Please do not staple this form to any other document Contact information for Research Services for any questions UGA123456 E88S37 URL for entering ACP online Unique Username and Password Please include ACP contact and email or phone Fourth Baptist Church Smallville Washington 1234567 890123 Your Name Here
Paper Form Spiritual Renewal will occur as believers personally and corporately seek a fresh touch of God through prayer, repentance, devoted worship, and an intimate walk with Jesus Christ.
Paper Form Spiritual Renewal will occur as believers personally and corporately seek a fresh touch of God through prayer, repentance, devoted worship, and an intimate walk with Jesus Christ. (Continued)
Paper Form Kingdom Generosity occurs when God’s people express the grace they have experienced through sacrificial giving, financial stewardship, and giving attitudes.
Paper Form Kingdom Generosity occurs when God’s people express the grace they have experienced through sacrificial giving, financial stewardship, and giving attitudes. (Continued)
Paper Form Church Revitalization occurs when leaders honestly assess the health of their congregation, humbly seek guidance, and in turn assist other congregations so that all churches may thrive for the glory of God.
Paper Form Church Planting occurs as congregations understand that unreached people groups can be touched through new works and then seek to partner with other existing churches to start new congregations. Request a demographic profile of your community to assess the people & people groups living in YOUR mission field!
Paper Form Authentic Evangelism occurs as congregations seek to intentionally sow the seeds of the gospel to the greatest extent possible in their local communities, in Georgia, in the United States, and around the world (Acts 1:8).
Paper Form Authentic Evangelism occurs as congregations seek to intentionally sow the seeds of the gospel to the greatest extent possible in their local communities, in Georgia, in the United States, and around the world (Acts 1:8). (Continued) VBS
Paper Form Visit the website for more!
Online Submission Visit Take note of how each survey will be listed in iGO and login case sensitivity.
Click here if unsure about Other Church Info Form Online Submission Visit Click here if unsure about Other Church Info Form
Due Dates & Other Church Info Requested Online Submission Due Dates & Other Church Info Requested
Type in username and password found on paper ACR form. Online Submission Visit Type in username and password found on paper ACR form.
Enter Your Name (ACR Contact) Online Submission Enter Your Name (ACR Contact) Jane Doe
Online Submission Three Surveys Church Leadership Profile Other Church Information (as requested by association) Annual Church Report (ACR)
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Click here to begin the Annual Church Report (ACR)
Online Submission Church Information If any of the information for your church is incorrect then please click the Update Organization button
Online Submission Church Information Click BACK TO SURVEY button to return to surveys. Make all the necessary changes/updates and click the Save button. You may have a separate mailing and physical address listed or they can be the same.
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile [DEFAULT] Full Survey Individual Sections
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Last year’s data Enter current year data Click for instructions or helpful hints Click SAVE button after entering data.
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile After clicking the SAVE button, a dialogue box will appear asking whether this completes the survey or to leave it open for more entries later.
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Click on the REPORTS button to print a copy of your ACR Statistical Report.
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Click here for ACR statistical Report
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Click the down arrow for preferred export format
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Click Export to see the printable version of the report so that you can save it as a file or send to a printer. Choose to either open with Adobe Acrobat or save the file. To view and print, then choose OPEN WITH and click OK.
ACP/ACR Statistical Profile Online Submission ACP/ACR Statistical Profile
Online Submission Switch Surveys Click on the down arrow, then 2014 – Leadership Profile.
Online Submission Leadership Profile Update Contact Information
Make updates under the GENERAL tab Online Submission Leadership Profile Make updates under the GENERAL tab
Make updates under the ADDRESSES tab Online Submission Leadership Profile Make updates under the ADDRESSES tab
Make updates under the POSITION DETAILS tab Online Submission Leadership Profile Make updates under the POSITION DETAILS tab
Click SAVE when finished. Online Submission Leadership Profile Click SAVE when finished.
Online Submission Leadership Profile If you need to replace the name of a church leader with a new one, first REMOVE the name in the list.
Finally, click the REMOVE button. Online Submission Leadership Profile Indicate the date that they left the position or indicate that the entry was in error. Finally, click the REMOVE button.
Online Submission Leadership Profile If you need to add an additional name to a leadership role then click +ADD.
Type in a name and click SEARCH Online Submission Leadership Profile Type in a name and click SEARCH
Online Submission Leadership Profile Search through the list and click + Add or Create a New Contact
Update or complete a new contact form (all 3 tabs) and click SAVE Online Submission Leadership Profile Update or complete a new contact form (all 3 tabs) and click SAVE
You can Walk Through Positions one at a time or View All (toggles) Online Submission Leadership Profile You can Walk Through Positions one at a time or View All (toggles) Provides a report that can be saved or printed.
Online Submission Leadership Profile Export Format Options Click EXPORT Click OK
Online Submission Leadership Profile
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Click on the down arrow, then 2014 – Supplemental Survey
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Save Enter Names Information Boxes for Help
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Click to save or print Report
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Click SURVEY – Supplemental Survey link for Other Church Information Report
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Click Export
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form Open Adobe Reader then Click OK
Other Church Information Form Online Submission Other Church Information Form
Logout, then notify your association when complete. Online Submission ARE YOU FINISHED? Logout, then notify your association when complete.
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