Creating Options and Opportunities KSU Counselors’ Workshop 2012
GA Virtual Learning GA Virtual School – GAVS GA Credit Recovery – GACR Shared Resources eSource Blended Learning Middle School Remediation
GA Virtual School SACS & NCAA accredited college prep online courses: 122 course offerings including 22 AP courses, 6 world languages, intro CTAE, business electives, PE, health and core academic courses Both block and traditional courses are offered: AB = 1 Carnegie unit; A or B =.5 Carnegie unit Fall, Spring and Summer semesters
GA Virtual School 18 week, 16 week, 14 week & 12 week schedules for Fall and Spring 6 week and 5 week schedules for Summer Course content is available 24/7 Weekly synchronous learning sessions using Adobe Connect EOCT’s and AP exams are taken at the local school (public school students) or ETTC (home school students)
GA Virtual School FTE funding available to Georgia students Students may take up to six segments per semester using FTE funding 3 full unit courses, 6 half unit courses or a combination FTE not available during Summer Tuition Student will pay School will pay $300 per half unit course $600 per full unit course
When to use GAVS: Courses not offered at local school Course is full at local school Scheduling conflict due to WBL, band, athletics, or Dual Enrollment Transfer students Hospital/Homebound students Seniors who need 1 or 2 courses to graduate
Successful Online Learners Are: Self-motivators Independent learners Computer literate individuals Successful time managers Effective written communicators Committed workers Open communicators Flexible workers
GAVS Data All time high enrollment of 4,176 for Fall 2011 EOCT pass rate for GAVS students is 19% above the state pass rate 64% of GAVS students who took an AP exam received scores of 3 or better 91% GAVS completion rate 89% passing rate
Role of the Local School Local school provides a GAVS facilitator: approves online applications, monitors progress, retrieve final grades, makes sure credit is awarded Local policies/procedures re: GAVS Funding choices – FTE, student pays, and school pays Refund/Withdrawal Policy
Enrolling Students Student needs GTID and personal Creates an account (Virtual Passport) Parent creates account Student applies and is approved or denied Student is moved to online Student Orientation (within 24 hours) Upon completion or opting out, student is moved to class (within 24 hours)
GAVS Support Team
Important Dates Feb. 13 th – last day to apply for Spring Feb. 1 st – registration opens for Summer & Fall June 4 th – last day to apply for Summer Aug. 27 th – last day to apply for Fall AP courses Sep. 10 th – last day to apply for Fall
Georgia Credit Recovery Students receive pre-assessment based on course GPS Pre-assessment is used to determine mastery of content Modules are designed to be student centered: students work at their own pace, modules are consistent with student’s learning style Grades based on unit tests and final/EOCT
Shared Resources Viewable access to full course content for all users of the Georgia Virtual Learning website Free course content including interactive lessons, videos and links for students, parents and educators In core subject areas including middle school courses, fully aligned to Georgia Performance Standards Currently 24 free courses, with more to come For remediation and acceleration
eSource Free full course content in many core subject areas including middle school courses, AP and World Language, fully aligned to Georgia Performance Standards Currently 26 free courses, with more to come Content is available to Georgia public schools by application only Downloadable to your school’s Learning Management System or can be loaded onto a server
Blended Learning Full course content, including assessments aligned to Georgia Performance Standards Full use of GAVS’ learning management system Support & training provided to schools/districts Use of GAVS’ digital course content as primary resource for students Delivered in a face-to-face environment School districts must apply
Middle School Remediation For students in grades 6-8 Language Arts, Math & Science Meet standards for year long course in summer For promotion or remediation No materials needed beyond online materials Student or school may pay $300 per course
Contact Information Meridith Jorgensen: Harriet Langford: Georgia Pagel: Nikki Walker:
GAVL Websites