An Overview of the European Policy Framework on Gender Equality Gender Agenda – Women, Men, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts.


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Presentation transcript:

An Overview of the European Policy Framework on Gender Equality Gender Agenda – Women, Men, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Introduction  This is a European project, approved and funded by the Commission and it will be important to follow it up at European level This Presentation will  Offer an overview of the legislative framework at EU level and the policies and programmes that are in place at the level of the European institutions;  Reflect on how to have an impact on this work and help to advance the issue we are working on.

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Legislative Framework The First European provision on gender equality - Art.119 of the Treaty of Rome: The principle of equal pay for women and men for equal work. The Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997 greatly strengthened this provision. Equality between men and women, above and beyond the issue of pay, became a central ”task” and “aim” of the EU.

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Legislative Framework  Another important legal reference document is the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union  Importantly, the Treaty Provisions gave the EU competency and a legal basis to draw up EU Directives for implementation in National Law:  These have included: A range of directives from 1975 to 2004, addressing issues such as equal pay, equal access to to employment, promotion and training, equality for self- employed workers, equal treatment in access to goods and services, non- discrimination; The Directive 2006/54/EC Of The European Parliament and of the Council on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast).

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts The “Recast” Directive  So-called because it “recast” and brought together the various previous directives and amended directives for clarity.  One of the legal obligations arising from this directive is the the obligation for Member States to create bodies for the promotion of equal treatment at national level.  “Member States shall designate and make the necessary arrangements for a body or bodies for the promotion, analysis, monitoring and support of equal treatment of all persons without discrimination on the grounds of sex.”

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts European Programmes and Actions  A Dual Approach to gender equality has been developed at European level Positive Actions: Measures directly aimed at supporting Gender Equality - PROGRESS Programme; - DAPHNE III Programme - European Gender Equality Institute f Gender Mainstreaming Integrating a gender perspective in ALL Policies - Roadmap for Gender Equality - Employment Strategy - Structural Funds

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Gender Equality Institute  The European Institute for Gender Equality is based in Vilnius. It has a budget of 52.5 million for 2007 to 2013  The Institute shall provide: Expertise - to improve knowledge and raise visibility of equality between men and women. Contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all Community policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, Raise EU citizens' awareness of gender equality by providing technical assistance to the Community institutions, in particular the Commission, and the authorities of.the Member States

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Gender Equality Roadmap  Adopted March Priority actions until 2010  6 priority areas – key actions in each area Equal Economic Independence Reconciliation of Work, Private and Family Life Equal Participation in Decision-Making Eradicating Gender-based Violence and Trafficking Eliminating Gender Stereotypes in Society Promoting Gender Equality outside the EU

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Eliminating Gender Stereotypes in Society  Elimination of gender stereotypes in education training and culture;  Elimination of gender stereotypes in the labour market;  Elimination of stereotypes in the media.

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts What follow-up actions at EU level?  It is clear that there are specific bodies at European level with whom it would be useful to follow-up:  The Gender Equality Institute in Vilnius For the dissemination of the report As a focus area for expanded research As a focus area for awareness-raising As a theme of work to submit to the European Institutions and Member States

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts What follow-up actions at EU level?  The National Bodies charged with promoting gender equality in each member state It would be useful for national unions to make contact with these national bodies – it might be possible to do this in a coordnated and concerted way to maximise the impact  The Women’s Committee in the European Parliament is clearly an active body It would be useful to raise their awareness and get their support on the problems raised in the report

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts What follow-up actions at EU level?  As part of a positive action approach: Should FIA look for funding for a follow-up project, in line with priority area 5 of the gender equality roadmap? If so, what should the focus be? Look for solutions and good practice across the EU? Draw up action recommendations?  As part of a gender-mainstreaming approach : Seek to highlight this area within EU action on culture – within the Open Method of Coordination on Culture and in the European Culture Forum; Continue to promote it as a theme within the European Social Dialogue Committees in which FIA is involved.

15-16 Sept 2008 GENDER AGENDA Men, Women, Age and Employment in the Performing Arts Thank you for your attention!  Dearbhal Murphy  Website: