PDF-WG Work Plan Development Agenda and Results Framework PDF-WG Consultation Workshop 18 June 2013 PHILIPPINES DEVELOPMENT FORUM Working Group on Decentralization and Local Government
1.Inclusion of a Results Framework for the Work Plan Work Plan structure has 2 sections: – Section 1: Results Framework that outlines Development Agenda, Outcomes, Outcome Indicators, Baselines, and Targets – Section 2: Summarizes projects/activities by Outcomes, including information such as the official project objectives, expected outputs/deliverables and period of implementation and project status PDF-WG Work Plan – Key Improvements to Overall Structure
PDF-WG Work Plan – Results Framework
PDF-WG Work Plan Development Agenda and Outcomes Development Agenda Work Plan Outcomes 1. Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Improved local fiscal policies, procedures and capacity Improved revenue generation capacity Improved access of LGUs to debt financing 2. Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Increased engagement of citizens and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in local governance Improved transparency and accountability in local operations Improved frontline LGU service delivery
PDF-WG Work Plan Development Agenda and Outcomes Development Agenda Work Plan Outcomes 3. Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Improved LGU competitiveness to encourage business activity Increased inter-local government cooperation Improved LGU capacity for mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and Source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 1. Improved local fiscal policies, procedures and capacity No. of policies/programs/systems adopted on improving local fiscal autonomy (BLGF) Percentage of LGUs adopting programs/systems to improve efficiency in fiscal policies and procedures. These programs/systems include: Synchronization of planning (DBM/DILG) Timely release of national wealth, PEI (DILG) e-SRE ver.2.1 (BLGF) e-FAAS (BLGF) Establishment of performance standards for Local Finance Officers (i.e. Treasurers, Local Budget Officers) (BLGF) Assessor’s standards established Treasurers (2014) Local Budget Officers (2016)
Development Agenda 1: Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and Source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 2. Improved revenue generation capacity Percentage of LGUs classified by LGFPMS as good revenue generators by LGU type and income class (BLGF) No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated Schedules of Market Values (SMVs) (BLGF) No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated Local Revenue Codes (BLGF) No. of LGUs imposing and collecting Idle Land Tax (BLGF) 18 provinces, 30 cities 2 provinces, 9 cities 40 provinces and cities 30 provinces and cities 3. Improved access of LGUs to debt financing No. of LGUs accessing debt financing in the following sectors: Revenue-generating; Social and Environmental Projects; and Solid Waste Management Facilities (MDFO) ; Adoption of a financing policy framework on Loan Syndication for LGUs (MDFO)
Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and Source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 1. Increased engagement of citizens and Civil Society organizations (CSO) in local governance Percentage of LGUs with functional Local Development Council and Local Special Bodies for citizen’s participation (functionality criteria based on Local Government Code provisions) (DILG) Increased number of CSOs participating in local governance (e.g. LSB, BUB, LDC) (DILG) 2. Improved transparency and accountability in local operations Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good Housekeeping (compliance to FDP, COA findings, compliance to procurement law and performance rating on ARTA) (DILG) Percentage of LGUs meeting benchmarks under the Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (PFMAT) (DILG)
Development Agenda 2: Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and Source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 3. Improved frontline LGU service delivery Increase in the LGPMS overall performance index (OPI) (DILG) Adoption of performance audits for thematic and sectoral seals (DILG) Law and Order and Public Safety Capable LGUs Environmentally Protective LGUs Establishment of a “Citizen Satisfaction Index System” in provinces and cities (DILG) N/A 2014/
Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 1. Improved LGU competitiveness to encourage business activity No. of LGUs that pass the Seal of Competitiveness in cities (DILG) Increased no. of LGUs with streamlined BPLS (DILG) 430 LGUs conform to BPLS standards 100% of LGUS adopting solutions that conform to BPLS standards
Development Agenda 3: Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty Work Plan Outcomes Outcome Indicators and source 2013 Baseline 2016 Target 2. Increased inter- local government cooperation Increased no. of functioning inter-local cooperation/ alliances established (LGSP, LED/GIZ) Issuance of a financing policy framework on Inter-LGU Cooperation as well as a financing facility to be accessed by Inter-Local Alliances (MDFO) No. of Inter-Local Alliances accessing the MDF- SGF Financing Facility (MDFO) 3. Improved LGU capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Percentage of vulnerable LGUs capacitated to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and/or Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into their local plans